Cold Days: Harry Dresden’s Darkest Role Yet in The Dresden Files - Five-Minute Nerd Episode 63

1 month ago

In this episode of Five Minute Nerd, we delve into Cold Days, the 14th book in The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. Join us as we break down Harry Dresden’s new role as the Winter Knight, his confrontation with Maeve, and the twisted politics of the Winter Court. This installment takes Dresden to new, darker depths in his fight to protect Chicago and his own soul. Dive into Faerie politics, power struggles, and more in this thrilling episode! Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more fantasy, sci-fi, and nerd culture!

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Tags: #ColdDays #DresdenFiles #JimButcher #HarryDresden #WinterKnight #Faerie #FantasyBooks #FiveMinuteNerd #UrbanFantasy

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