Jazz 295 by Tom Main

1 month ago

"Jazz 295" The Korg Multipoly makes an appearance in this offering. I am still evaluating it. It is certainly an interesting, diverse and "deep" synth. It appears to fit well into my rig, the Kronos 2, Wavestate, Xtreme and Hammond all being good company. Please forgive the usual oops in the video where I set it up to omit the Xtreme entirely! I focus on the instruments you see and often seem to place the videoing as a second. I am also somewhat ill at present, this showing the power of music that I still find time to play and compose. As regards the Multipoly, I am learning to program it at the mo, getting to grips with the oscillators, mods and layer system. At present I am mastering the oscillator to layer system and how these relate to the envelope generators and LFOs. This appears to be the core to working with the synth fully. I hope you find this of interest and/or enjoy the music. Love, Tom 😊

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