1 month ago

While walking my dog, I discovered a nest of hatching baby snapping turtles. I brought the kids back to see them and we found that they were all heading in the wrong direction away from the closest water. They were going into a road with curbs on either side and would end up getting run over by traffic or picked off by predators if we didn't do something to help them.

#turtle #turtlerescue #babyturtle

///We are a homeschooling family with four kids at home. We love travel, camping, RV'ing, sports, fishing, Judo, and the beach. Three of our kids are adopted from Ukraine and one from the US. We are hoping to add to the family in the future.//

Will (Papa)
Anna (Mom)
Lucas 17
Mariah 15
Ever 15
Liam 14
Paisley Puff 9
Milo 1

Music by Epidemic Sound

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