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1 John 3:16 New King James Version
16 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.


Tell me something my friends.

When has another person disappointed you?

How have you found comfort in your heavenly Father?

I myself guys have experienced a lot of disappointment. I have been deeply disappointed, betrayed, violated, and let down by a great many people, including family members, and it is always gotten me to feel like I'm less than. That like Kim the young woman in this morning's devotional, who waited in vain for her father as a child, I sometimes feel like God either no longer loves me, or doesn't want anything to do with me or all the above. I have to remind myself that it's a lie from Satan, but it still loves to rear its ugly head.

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things that God continues to show me from his word, on what it means to experience and know the great eternal love of my heavenly father, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you helps you to see that this great eternal love applies to you too, especially if you know Christ as your savior. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends, and learn this precious, wonderful truth for yourself! 😊

So, as I close this post for tonight, I want to share something that I stated three years ago, because I think it's appropriate now, and that is this. I pray that you will know the eternal, never-ending, and matchless love of God, and know that His love has NO conditions to it. That you can never earn, buy, or work for His love, because if you know Christ as Savior, you already have it. All you need to do is ACCEPT IT! It as I have stated before, a future that can neither be earned nor forfeited, because it is 100% dependent on God's extravagant grace and power in our lives. It's also as I’ve said so many times before my friends, we can say or do nothing to earn our Salvation but fully place our trust in the only one who can save us, because of his undying and eternal love for us. The best part of all of this you ask? Monica La Rose, another devotional writer from our daily bread, says that it gives us, “A future where we're set free from the despair in the world and in our hearts into one filled with “his glory and goodness” (v.3)” Best of all, it’s as Monica also states, “A future secure in Christ’s unimaginable promises (v. 4); and a future transformed into the “freedom and glory of the children of God” (Romans 8:21).” This is something I look forward to as a redeemed child of God, knowing that there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING that can never separate me from God's love! What about YOU??



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