Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Exposes the CIA for Crimes Committed on U.S. Soil

1 month ago

THE CIA EXPOSED: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposes the CIA for crimes committed on U.S. soil against millions of Americans involving Bioweapons, Experiments, Operation Paperclip, MK Ultra mind control, Anthrax attack on U.S. Capitol and the Milgram experiment. In a separate interview Jim Caviezel confirms that the CIA operates the world's biggest Pedophile ring involving the trafficking of millions of innocent children.
Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II. Many of these personnel were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party. MK Ultra was a top secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experiments, sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens to assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. The secret program didn’t become public until 1975 during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world. It is still being used today.
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