1 month ago

Please... all of you believing "it will just be for the serious criminals"...

My brother had his day in gang life and incarceration.. never would I have wanted to see him shipped off there.

Guantanamo Bay was made and known for its inhumane treatment and..." tore sure. "

Would any of us Mothers or Fathers want to see our son sent there?

Would any of us sons or daughters want to see our Father sent there?

Criminal or not, illegal "alien" or not... have we no human decency or compassion?

Have we not advanced past the day where we consider inhumane treatment in prison to be acceptable?

Just for one minute think if this was your loved one being shipped off there indefinitely.

These are human beings.

Many, if not all, will have no due process regarding their crimes or duration of detainment.

And this is even assuming only serious criminals will be sent there.

What about the rest of the suspected illegals? How do we know many of them won't land there... and the Natives as well?

Just make this personal for a minute and see if you'd still be ok with it.

It's your son headed there... probably for life.. you ok with that?

#guantanamobay #Cuba #trump #Mexico #mexican #mexico🇲🇽 #HumanRights

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