You are the author of your own life experience - part 3

1 month ago

In video 3, we explain In more detail, what the energetic or quantum field, is and how it is not inflexible and unchangeable, where you are only a passive participant, in a world that evolves despite you, but rather that it is completely malleable and that you can mould it to suite your own unique needs and expectations, when you learn how to effectively engage and communicate with it.

In other words, when you learn to speak the language of the quantum field, namely via your emotions. You can manifest any life experience you desire.

As you work your way through this video and all the ideas presented, it is crucial to remember that you cannot change the course of your life, until you break your mechanical, programmed negative beliefs, and reactions, to all the events that occur, within your life experience.

To change the course of your life from, what you believe to be unacceptable or negative, to a place where you start to love everything within your world.

Starts with you first morphing your negative belief system, into a more positive one.

As you break the habit of being your limiting or negative self, you step into a new place of unlimited possibility, where you can begin, to consciously create the positive life experience that you both deserve and desire.

Once you innerstand that we exist within a soup of unlimited quantum potential, where you can either allow your life experience to manifest beyond your conscious control, where you allow your ingrained negative programming and beliefs to dictate how your life unfolds or you can make a much wiser choice, where you become the conscious creator of your own life experience.

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