Itehil Portable Water Filtration System review

4 hours ago

I do product reviews all the time, but once in a while something special comes along that not only impresses, but it also surprises me. This is a portable water filtration system from Itehil, and at the beginning, when I got the email request from them, I brushed off their request because at first impression I did not feel it. I gave it a second look and realized that this product was no ordinary product, this product could potentially save you from a tight spot by turning nasty/murky water into clean/crisp drinking water. You literally find a body of water, be it a swamp, lake, river, puddle, creek, and you turn said water into clean drinking water. It tastes like distilled water by the time you drink it, it's incredible! I'll let the video to the rest of the talking, and thank you guys for watching!

Itehil water filtration system "use discount code Erick40":

Itehil filter replacements
Hybrid filter:

The inflatable kaboat I was using "Saturn SK385XL":
The outboard "12hp Hangkai":

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