Dog Rescued By A Police Officer After Being Tied To A Moving Truck

6 years ago

An officer saves a dog leashed to a moving truck. Must see!

What a perfect example of the countless times our brave police officers save lives! So many times in our modern society, thanks to the evolution of social media, we are so quick to find ways to judge others and find something to be offended by. Even though the topic of police officers is a valid topic to discuss, because there does need to be reform in that department, it is also very important not to forget that at the end of the day, they are our everyday heroes. So many times people are so quick to pull out their phones when they find something negative or violent that they can document; however, this video shows that so many of our men and women in blue are always looking for lives to save. Even sweeter, this time, it is the life of a dog.

This sweet dog is the loyal companion to a truck driver. He obviously loves his dog and cares for his safety because he was letting the dog get some fresh air. The thought of how horribly wrong this series of events could have gone gives me chills down my spine. Had that driver gotten up to a speed higher than the dog could keep up with, it would have been a tragic situation. This, however, was not the case.

In this situation, this police officer who can also be described as a hero, acted quickly to stop the driver before the situation turned grave. The sweet little dog was trotting along, trying to keep up with the driver who had leashed him to the back of his truck. I can imagine what that dog was thinking. I’m sure he was beyond happy to see the police officer stop the truck. I’m sure the police department in Yavapai, Arizona is very proud to have their officer recognized for such an easy, but a life-saving decision.

I’m sure the driver felt so bad that this happened. We are all human. We make mistakes. I’m sure he would have never done this on purpose. I can only imagine the “What if?” thoughts that went through his mind after unleashing his dog from the truck. I bet he was even close to tears himself. Those of us who are dog owners treat our dogs like family, and I am sure truck drivers, especially, take good care of their pets. They are, at times, the only companions and company they keep.

The best part of this video is that it’s not just a video about a cop saving the life of a dog. It is so much more than that. It is a reminder to us all. It is a reminder to not focus on the negative of our men in blue. Are there police officers who have acted in haste and let their narrow minds take the life of an individual due to unnecessary fear? Yes, it is a sad truth, and it is an example of the state of so many in our nation. This video, however, is a reminder that at the end of the day these men have done way more good than bad. It’s a reminder to focus on the good our men in blue do and to remember they too, just like us, are human.

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