Homeopathy Advantages in Treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy DMD | Dr. Bharadwaz | Homeopathy

6 days ago

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Homeopathy Advantages in Treating Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy DMD | Dr. Bharadwaz | Homeopathy

"Conventional treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) often focus on symptom management but can come with side effects and limited long-term benefits. In this video, we discuss the disadvantages of traditional approaches like steroids and invasive procedures. Discover how homeopathy offers a holistic alternative, addressing the root cause and improving overall well-being with minimal side effects. Explore the potential of natural remedies in managing DMD effectively."

Dr. Bharadwaz | Homeopathy, Medicine & Surgery | Health & Fitness | Clinical Research

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#FidicusHomeopathy #ClingeniousHealth #HelseformFitness #ClingeniousResearch

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