Life lesson

1 month ago
In a small field a boy and his grandfather are digging the soil. They are turning it over, smashing the lumps, preparing it for the years sowing. It’s hard work but necessary for the bountiful harvest they will receive from all their efforts.
The old man is well into his 70’s and is panting a fair bit, with every fork load thats turned sweat drips from his forehead but he doesn’t complain.
His grandson is 17 years old, fit strong and able. He curses with every fork load that’s turned, then standing there he huffs and puffs and complains before sticking the fork in once again cursing as he goes.
After a while, the young grandson notices how much more his grandfather has done than himself.
“How come grandfather you have achieved more than me when your so much older?” He asks
The reply wasn’t what he expected
“The Thinking about it, that’s the HARD bit, doing it, that the EASY bit”
The grandson is taken aback a little so the grandfather continues
“When you spend your time thinking, how hard this is, how much more to go, my back aches, that’s the hard bit. It’s far harder thinking about all these things, getting caught up in a whirlwind of your own thoughts, than it is to actual do the physical work in the first place”
“While you stand after ever fork load and allow your mind to dwell on the negative, I have done another three more fork loads than you have. I only look at what I have done which is always pleasing and positive”

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