UNIT Long Live Rock (A Study Of Heavy Metals).

1 month ago

Note: all tracks recorded under the names Academy 23 or UNIT are the property of DNA Records and protected by copyright, regardless of who wrote the works concerned. This is a track from our 52nd album ‘Science & Sanity’. Note: every geological term used in this text is perfectly correct...albeit occasionally somewhat arcane.

Well, I’m the kind of guy who can’t say no
to the deposits made by a volcano.
Ooh baby, you know I love a lava flow!

I had to keep myself cool with crate of beer
when I dug my tool into the lithosphere.
You can keep Sputnik & Telstar now I have mica, quartz &feldspar;
I’ve been all around this planet but I’m still in love with granite.
Oh, geology can’t be beaten – can it?

In your pocket or in your sock: long live plutonic rock!
In a socket, given a shock: long live hypabyssal rock!
They come as boulders, they come in blocks:
long live volcanic rocks!

On a dolerite slope of shale and scree,
I came across a piece of porphyry.
It was a hypabyssal marvel whose origins were laval.
I guess that was conclusive: these rocks are all intrusive.
It’s plain enough to see
the hardest science is geology!

In Aberdeen or the Clydeside docks: long live plutonic rocks!
Keep them clean in a big blue box: long live hypabyssal rocks!
They come as boulders, they come in blocks:
long live volcanic rocks!

Now you can talk about giving heads
and all the women that you’ve lain,
but I’ve seen cleavage lying in beds along a strain-slip axial plane!
Now you can talk about copulation, frottage or fellatio,
but that’s irrelevant information to my ionic radius ratio!

Long live andesite! Long live appinite!
Long live diorite! Long live dolerite!
Long live pegmatite! Long live syenite!
Long live anorthosite! Long live trachyandesite!
Come on, baby, let’s rock all night – all right!

You can find them in a laccolith or maybe hiding in a lopolith,
perhaps even in a phacolith!

I reached the summit later; I saw the sky alight:
all around the crater, shining rhyolite!
With basalt it’s inclusive: these rocks are all extrusive;
so fine and crystalline, they’re heavy, hard and mean.
They’re easily the greatest I’ve ever seen!

With andesite and appinite: long live diorite!
Oh boy, what a beautiful sight: long live dolerite!
Ooh babe, we’re gonna rock all night: long live syenite!

Well, I’m the kind of guy who can’t say no
to the deposits made by a volcano.
When I see that granitisation, it’s even better than fluidisation.
You may consider them fantastic but they’re simply pyroclastic.
Ooh baby, you know I love a lava flow!

They draw geologists in flocks: long live igneous rocks!
When volcanic opportunity knocks: long live igneous rocks!
They come as boulders, they come in blocks:
there’s nothing so hot as igneous rocks!

They’re not demonic, merely plutonic. Long live pegmatite!
Write an epistle on hypabyssal. Long live anorthosite!
Please do not panic – they are volcanic. Long live trachyandesite!

Yeah, I sold my soul for rock and coal!

Andy Martin – Vocals, Hammond Organ, Tenor Saxophone.
Keilan Knight – 5 String Bass Guitar, Guitar.
Colin Murrell – Drums, Alto Saxophone.

Text & Music – Andy Martin.

You may be interested in these other tracks by UNIT.

The Earth Is Finite.
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes.
Osaka Boy.
Barbara’s Bridge.
A Study Of Alkaline Metals.
The 613 Mitzvot.
The Unwanted.
A Song For Eric Cooper.
Amery Hill School.
Realise Your Potential.
Resonance Rocks Out.
Yom Kippur.
The Noahide Laws.
Hup Soon Heng.
When We Were Friends.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The paypal address is now ctmurrell1970@gmail.com. Donations to our finances can also be made to this address if you wish to support our future work.

In addition we have 7 books available in PDF format free on request.

Not In Front Of The Children: A Study Of Grange Hill 1978 – 1993
Fast – Clean – Cheap (A Compendium)
Civil Disobedience – A Collection Of Short Stories For Children
Behind The Bike Shed – A Novel For Children
Grange Hill 1994 – 2008
The No Nation Interview
Birds, Bridges & Boys – Short Stories For Adults

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