A Nightmare on Kroger Street | Weekly News Roundup

1 month ago

This week, Kroger starts tracking everyone, Mastercard has a security bumble, and GPS Tracking data leaked. Also, the AI arms race is on, and everything is spam but spam. We also visit SillyVille.
#kroger #AI #FacebookSpam

00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Warrantless Searches Are Illegal (duh)
03:04 - Facebook Scrapping Personal Data
05:18 - Nightmare on Kroger St
11:05 - Scanning for Machines
13:17 - Mastercard Rejects a Slave
==Data Leaks==
17:28 - Health Data Leak
18:19 - Fallen AngelSense
==AI Overlords==
24:14 - Apple Imbecility
25:48 - The AI Arms Race
29:22 - Satellite Calling
31:13 - Unskippable
34:37 - Everything is Spam
37:21 - Paper Drills
39:02 - Robo-kidnapper
40:40 - 2025 Space Oddity


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