When u know UK ow targeted individuals know the Truman show

8 days ago

There is nothing lovely bout having your every moment watched and worse manipulated stimulated againest your will. If you know you know. The entire program is evl. Pray it it shut down. Wipe the servers in Jesus name abusing people and than calling them crazy when they seek help or answers is pure evl. Nothing about it is for human improvement. None of us gave informed consent.

I rebukeandcancel all illegal Contracts in Jesus name.

Manipulation is witchcraft with or wo tech.

They forced us onto a two way system. You CAN shut them down

Things I've learned they Hate

Number 2 Jesus talking speaking or even thinking Jesus. They Hate this in their system because they are of their father the devil

Don't ask yourself y evil doers do evil. These demonucally lead people gangstalking you... you can not reason with them. Pray in your head when they are around rebuke them if you have to

Praise music on blast is like the fast food to the Bible it works fast but meat and potatoes is God's word. You can shut them down in the spirit realm. This is an invisible war using illegal weapons on earth

2. They Hate essential oils Peppermint cinnamon ifk how or y but they poured out all my oils n very often people who bullied me commented how much they hated the oils I put on commenting " what is that smell?"

What they Hate do it!!

Frequency up ure frequency listen to it in headphones blast it in your car if you have too this scatters the frequencies they use to harm u. Use what works for you... n research the healing tones. Remember you are fighting back againest heir radio frequencies whatever tool they r using on u so u may have to adjust to cancel them out. Often u can feel differences just going up n down the scale.

Dr virtual has a great ti one. Don't forget they can relay messages over sound so adjust when needed. Noise cance,canceling, headphones

Emf shielding
Grounding sheets socks hats

Shield your sleeping area even if you have to start small and build up

Oh n mirror use mirror in emergencies reflects back whatever they r hitting you with a mirror facing out around you bed to start or walls

Works agsinest laser or. Icrowaes remember study experiment

If nothing is hitting u why would anyone care if you sleep under a mirror canopy??

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