INSTANTLY get over the fear of living your life and being happy ( Y.O.LO ) Powerful Affirmation !!

1 month ago

( Y.O.L.O ) AFFIRMATION - YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE !!! This affirmation is designed to help you get over the fear of living your life and stop holding your self back . Often times than not we take life for granted until we end up in a position where we can no longer do the things we once wanted to do when we were actually ABLE .. we spend to much time in our heads , making up excuses , overthinking , not making sacrifices at the right time , not listening to our inner guidance ( GOD) . not following the flow of the universe on our path , getting caught up with the wrong crowd , OVER STAYING OUR WELCOME IN TOXIC SITUATIONS AND BAD HABITS !!! & then and time passes us by and the regret and depression is now more overbearing which ultimately is the things that takes us out because the negative powerful emotion of stress and depression literally manifest d3ath into the physical realm of our realities , LETS STOP NOW AND GET A HOLD OF OUR LIVES !!! Chasing our dreams , taking that new job , moving , falling in love , starting families , traveling to that place for the first time , going out on that date , spending time with our loved ones , taking your business or hustle to the next level . DO IT NOW !!! START NOW !! Time don't wait on no one !!! this affirmation will help you reprogram your subconscious mind to break away the blocked energy and negative programming and beleifs and help you to ACT NOW !! while you still have the chance , DO NOT TAKE LIFE AND TIME FOR GRANTED !!! LETS GO !!! I AM HERE TO HELP YOU THROUGH YOUR PROCESS ,, THIS IS A DAILY AFFIRMATION THAT YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO CONSISTENTLY FOR 30 DAYS STRAIGHT THROUGH AT LEAST 1X A DAY !!! it takes 30 days to form or break a habit .. lets plant a good seed and reprogram our minds to stop holding ourselves back and remove ourselves out of toxic environment and form around toxic people , places , and things and act now !!! Like this video and share it with someone you care about to help them .. subscribe to my channel and turn on your notification bell so you will be notified when the next powerful affirmation is posted to help you become the best version of yourself !!! I would love to hear from you , leave a comment down below , I would love to hear your name , where you are from & one thing you will stop taking for granted !! ... until next time ( KEEP MANIFESTING ) #change #manifestation #spiritualgrowth #affirmation #faith #faithoverfear #healing #god #motivationalvideo #motivational #motivationalmusic #inspiration #inspirational #inspirationalvideo .

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