SHARE - "NO" on HB-1531 - Harmful Policies for Washingtonians - CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!

1 month ago

👉 Sign Below and Join the Movement to Protect Freedom! 👇

Today, Friday January 31, 2025 and 24 years from the day my brother died in a car accident (RIP my baby Brother John Espinda I fight in your honor and memory), I along with many other people stood against HB-1531. Another harmful policy where people and children have been harmed.

We must stand up against this tyranny and you will be appalled at the non-caring of these people who supposedly represent us. They don't. They are puppets who are controlled by various means and will herd us into the NWO if we don't stand up! Please go to the jotform link above, click on it and sign the form. It will go to all of the people you see in this video who are FOR HB-1531 and against informed consent, body autonomy and being free men, women, sons and daughters.

I know this is long, but please read and take action.

Also, spread this far and wide - to every patriotic American you know. Anyone anywhere in the country can sign this. The more the better!!!

The situation:

The legislature is considering HB 1531 that would enhance the power of " ... public officials to address communicable diseases using scientifically proven measures to control the spread of such diseases: adding a new section to chapter 70.54 RCW; and declaring an emergency. [emphasis added]

And what constitutes "scientifically proven measures?" They do not define this. Is it the pseudo-science propaganda of government agencies that have a vested interest in subjugating us to their tyranny?

Here is a link to a short 6 min video calling out this treachery
And a link to the two page bill

Since when did any agency in the State of Washington use any " scientifically proven measures to control the spread of such diseases"? They relied on the scare propaganda of the CDC, FDA, NIH, etc. whose claims of science were resoundingly discredited by experts like Dr. Peter McCullough. Also, a former analyst for Pfizer, Karen Kingston, followed the patent trail on mRNA technology that proves it was developed as a bioweapon, designed to harm, not help. Pfizer actually released a document listing over 1000 serious consequences of using this technology in the Covid 19 bioweapon. Also, Dr. David Martin, PhD, MD, JD followed the document trail proving in their own words, it is a bioweapon.

Why should we believe their claim of using "scientifically proven" measures this time around to mitigate some alleged health risk?

Also, 1531 prohibits political subdivisions from enacting any statutes or other regulatory provisions prohibiting the 'implementation and promotion of such measures," and "any such statute, ordinance, rule, or policy in place on the effective date of this section is hereby declared null and void." [Totally unconstitutional and clearly a proclamation of would be dictators] The link to the notice below clearly explains all of this.

What about the right to informed consent, and the rights to Life, Liberty, Property, and freedom from harm, and if harm is inflicted, the right to a remedy? What happens if we refuse to comply with their orders? Do we get hauled off to "concentration camps" without any due process? The right to informed consent is embodied in the Nuremberg Code (the death penalty for violating this provision), the Belmont Report and accepted by every civilized nation on earth.

And what about the 132-year-old rule enacted in 1869 that guaranteed free and open debate on the House Floor? The House just eliminated that allowing a simple majority vote (democrats have the majority) to stop debate. Is this a coincidence? Here is a link to that:

What we need to do about it:

We need to flood them with our objections to this tyranny and remind them We The People are the sovereign, and they are the servant that must take instruction from us regarding what they can and cannot do. Their only purpose for existing is to Protect our lawful, Creator-Endowed, unalienable rights -- not to grant us permissions, privileges and immunities at their whim. Here is how and why we notify them of this tyranny. It is sent directly to the sponsors of this bill.

While this is the most important action to take, there are other steps listed below that you can take if you feel like it.
Stand for Your Rights – Oppose HB 1531!

Your Voice Matters! Join Us in Lawfully Objecting to HB 1531 – A Dangerous Overreach of Government Power.

The proposed bill, HB 1531, threatens to centralize state power, override local autonomy, and infringe upon individual freedoms by enforcing state-mandated public health measures without consent. This legislation violates fundamental constitutional principles, disregards natural law, and erodes the personal sovereignty that is the foundation of a free society.

As one of the People, vested with inherent rights, you have the authority and the duty to hold public servants accountable and demand adherence to constitutional protections. This Lawful Notification of Objection and Declaration of Repugnance serves as a formal notice to government officials that We, the People, will not stand for unlawful mandates that violate our bodily integrity, religious freedoms, and individual rights.
Why Sign?

✅ Protect Your Natural Rights – No government has the authority to impose medical mandates without consent.
✅ Defend Local Autonomy – HB 1531 overrides the ability of local governments to make decisions in the best interest of their communities.
✅ Uphold Constitutional Principles – This bill contradicts the fundamental protections enshrined in both state and federal constitutions.
✅ Demand Accountability – Government power must be lawfully delegated and clearly defined, not assumed and enforced arbitrarily.
What Does This Notice Do?

Puts Public Officials on Record – They must respond and justify their actions within ten (10) business days.
Asserts the Unlawfulness of the Bill – Citing constitutional law, natural law, and legal precedents.
Declares Any Unlawful Act as Null and Void – According to Supreme Court rulings and legal maxims.

Take Action Now!

💥 Sign this Notice to formally object to HB 1531 and stand up for your God-given rights!
💥 Spread the Word – Share this with your family, friends, and community to ensure our voices are heard.
💥 Send Correspondence – Make it clear to lawmakers that their actions will not go unnoticed or unchallenged.

We are a free People. Let us remain vigilant and steadfast in our defense of liberty.

Additional actions you can take to register your displeasure

I encourage all of you to follow these links to find out how you can notify your particular district legislators of your displeasure of this monstrosity.

There is a meeting this Friday, 1/31/25 at 8 am. You can register here to attend and testify, if you wish. These two links will show you how to do that

Here is how you can email your particular district representatives

Here is a link to the bill's status at a glance.

Here is how to comment on a bill

Become Part of a Movement to Save the World!

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