1 month ago


As proposed by people a little bit smarter than you.

1st: The arrested must be presented before a magistrate within 24 hours of arrest or everything is dropped. This would do well in speeding along the otherwise ‘snail’s pace’ justice system that we currently endure. If prosecutors don’t have really solid and convincing evidence this will encourage them to act more professionally and to ‘look before they leap.’

2nd: Arraignment determines whether or not a criminal trial is warranted. The magistrate sitting must make his or her decision within 24 hours as to whether or not trial is warranted. That same magistrate is authorized to set bail according to established guidelines and may never vary from those guidelines.

3rd: Trial must begin within not more than 30 days of arraignment. That trial is to be conducted by three (3) magistrates, not one. This three (3) member panel of judges is selected the day of the trial and at random from within the ‘Judge Pool’. This ensures that partnerships and cliques from within the judge panel cannot happen, effecting justice.

4th: The Jury System is to be abolished entirely. It has been subjected to every possible degree of corruption and is utterly worthless in the pursuit of ‘real’ justice. Most jurors are either retired and on pension, government employees, chronically unemployed or prejudice in one way or another. Jury pay is so low as to discourage ‘normal’ peers from subjecting themselves to the long, arduous, and less than rewarding practice of sitting on a jury.

5th: If the panel of judges finds a ‘not guilty’ verdict then it’s over. This is a declaration of ‘extreme prejudice’ in that the state may not ‘try again.’ Also, this verdict leaves the defendant immune from civil suit or action. Even more is that once tried by either County, State, or Federal Court the defendant is immune from any charges [even those adjacent to the crime or crimes for which he has been found ‘not guilty.’]

6th: If a ‘guilty’ verdict is rendered by that panel of judges, then sentencing is to take place within 72 hours or the accused walks without possibility of reprisal. Sentencing is to be decided and passed by the usual 2-out-of-3 judges and according to the strict rules for sentencing guidelines.

7th: There is to be no ‘sentencing phase’ and no relatives or persons close to the convicted or victim/s will be allowed in the courtroom. The sentencing must be based entirely on the rule of law, and not influenced by whining, crying, shouting, and other noises people make when they want the convicted to be released, sentenced, or torn to pieces.

8th: Once sentence has been passed the convict is to be assigned to and placed in an appropriate facility. This must take place within 72 hours. It is important for the convict and public to see swift and fair justice. Corporal punishment should be regularly practiced according to Singapore Protocol. Capital punishment should be an absolute last resort and then of such horrific execution practice as to deter other would be offenders.

9th: Upon completion of sentence a convict is to be released, and the ‘Forgiveness Clock’ begins. This is a system wherein time counts in favor of the convict. If he can keep his nose clean for two (2) years then his entire criminal record, arrest and conviction, is to be erased almost completely. These records can now only be obtained by a three (3) member panel of judges in consideration of pending sentencing. This exposes a repeat felon whose sentence will be more harsh than that of a first-time offender.

10th: Medical treatment for Neuropathy induced by caning is to be provided at no charge to the convict for as long as this affliction remains. Neuropathy pain is a common result of caning and can require any of a number of generic drugs to alleviate the suffering. There is no cure for Neuropathy.

This is not a perfect system, but it sure as Hell beats the one we’ve currently got!

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