Richard "BUZZER" Blinken-Smythe - G.I. Joe Classified 106 - Unboxing & Review

1 day ago

Our fourth entry into Dreadnok week as well as the last of the original Dreadnoks, we have Richard "BUZZER" Blinken-Smythe appearing.

Used Cold Slither from the G.I. Joe Cartoon
Royalty Free Music from Mixkit
Techno Fest Feel by Alejandro Magana

#zartan #buzzer #dreadnokBuzzer #richardblinkensmythe #richardbuzzerblinkensmythe #gijoe #arealamericanhero #cobra #cobratheenemy #yojoe #gijoearealamericanhero #gijoelcassified #gijoeclassifiedseries #dreadnok #dreadnoks #dreadnokweek

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