How to work through buried emotions with God's help | 7 Mountains | Family | EP03

7 days ago

This is a follow up to my last video "God's Provision for Healing Chronic Pain (Tension Myositis Syndrome or TMS)". In this epidose, I describe how to deal with and work through the buried emotions that are causing TMS. Dr. John Sarno was instrumental in discovering TMS and helping so many to become free of chronic pain and conditions. In his books, he says that a large percentage of the people who accept his TMS diagnosis will be healed just from the information alone, and a small percentage of people will need Psychotherapy or counseling to deal with their buried emotions in order to be healed. However, Dr. Sarno did not go into detail on what Psychotherapy and couseling look like. Thankfully, I have a lot of experience as a Christian who has been both the couselor and the counselee, and in this episode I provide you with practical guidance on how to work through anger, fear, and trauma. I am now 90-95% pain free as a result of Dr Sarno's TMS discovery combined with working through my buried anger, fear, and trauma. I hope this helps anyone out there who has lost hope and believes they have to live with chronic pain the rest of their life. The truth is Jesus can help you get to a place of being pain free as you allow Him to walk you through dealing with the buried emotions in your life...blessings!

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