Nonsense and Chill - Movie Trivia Night: Pilot Episode

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OH YEAH!! The inaugural Nonsense and Chill Movie Trivia Night. Quick Summary…….
Three rounds, 12 questions each and one poster challenge
Coin toss or figure out who starts first
Pick a question, or audio, or scene. Then a number from 1-12. So there are 36 questions, 12 of each category.
1 point for correct answer
If wrong, the question goes to the next person.
After the first 12 questions are done and points tallied, move on to poster challenge
Starting in reverse order of winners to losers,
Once a tile is uncovered, each contestant takes a guess in the before stated order.
The contestant who guesses correctly will receive an additional point for each tile still in place
Tally points from poster challenge and quiz, Award each contestant their points and this will conclude round one.
All these points are accumulative over the entire year. Can't make all three rounds in a night? No problem. Come back next month. Again, person (audience participant) with the most points at the end of 2025, will win a nonsense and chill swag bag, valued at $60+
The Network host will have bragging rights for a year!
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