(2000.01.31) The New Age Outlaws vs Al Snow & Steve Blackman - WWF - The Start of the Invasion Angle

9 days ago

On January 31, 2000, on WWF Raw is War, The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) defended the WWF Tag Team Championship against the unlikely duo of Al Snow & Steve Blackman.

While the match itself was a standard tag bout, the bigger story was what followed. After the Outlaws retained, a shocking moment occurred—WCW’s Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo were allegedly spotted in the crowd, hinting at a brewing invasion. Though WWF played it subtly at first, this moment is often looked back on as an early tease of the Invasion Angle, which would later explode in 2001 when WCW and ECW stars fully entered WWF.

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