They're Still Slaughtering People In Gaza

1 month ago

They're Still Slaughtering People In Gaza

Jan. 30, 2025


Caitlin Johnstone

Drop Site News reports that more than 80 Palestinians have been killed by the IDF in Gaza since what we’re calling a “ceasefire” went into effect on the 19th of January.

In all the dozens of incidents in which Israeli forces have been firing upon Palestinians in Gaza, they have reliably justified their actions as defensive responses to a perceived “threat”. But we can see from the example above how shaky those claims of being under threat actually are.

We also see it illustrated in the way IDF troops on Tuesday “accidentally” killed an Israeli military contractor who happened to look a lot like an unarmed Palestinian civilian. If you read the Haaretz report on the incident you’ll be told that the man “was unarmed and dressed in civilian clothing, making it unclear why he was shot,” but it is not at all unclear why he was shot. The photo the outlet provides makes it clear that the contractor was darker-skinned and did not look like an Israeli of European ancestry, so when he showed up without a weapon or a uniform, the Israeli troops assumed he was a Palestinian civilian and killed him.

Obviously an Israeli military contractor would not have been behaving in a menacing way toward Israeli soldiers. His only mistake was failing to adequately communicate to them that he was Israeli, and therefore worthy of being treated like a human being. Because he didn’t, he was exterminated like the vermin the Israeli troops saw him as in that moment.

Palestinians are so pervasively dehumanized in Israeli society that Israelis tend to think nothing of killing them, which is why the Gaza holocaust has been allowed to happen. Palestinians are also dehumanized in western society, which is why we also allowed it to happen. Despite all the west’s purported values of equality and human rights for all, it’s an easily observable fact that, under the imperial status quo, some human lives are more equal than others.

Reading by Tim Foley

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I write about the end of illusions. 100% reader-funded writer. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.


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