Saturn IK365 Budget Inflatable Kayak review

7 days ago

Hello everyone! I have finally taken the IK365 Inflatable Kayak to the water. Boats to go sent me this kayak last year around December, and not is the time where I finally got to try it, so thank you all for your patience. Now, about the kayak, well, it performed as a kayak should, well enough that I was confident to take my drone with me and take off from it. During part of the video, you'll even see the drone taking off and me catching by hand later. The kayak comes with to very large fins that provide excellent traction on the water, so much so that you take a little effort to turn, and the seating position allows you to have your arms at a lower position, allowing you to take full advantage of every paddle stroke. I thought my arms would be somewhat tired after this, but I felt just fine, although I think that using a beach chair would be much better. Hope everyone enjoys the video!


Saturn IK365 Budget Inflatable Kayak:

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