Selena Gomez's Meltdown Really Highlights One Of The Left's Most Disgusting Issues

5 hours ago

Posted • January 31, 2025: Watching celebrities and the anti-deportation crowd really gets the hair to stand on end, because like most positions the left takes, they do so from a position of "compassion." They hide behind this idea that they're just thinking about the poor and oppressed. They've truly convinced themselves that the only thing stopping them from making the world a better place is the wealthy and privileged. Somehow, a mind virus got a hold of too many American people, and the "poor and oppressed" stopped being good people in need, and became anyone who remotely looks like they could be a victim of "the system," and it doesn't matter if they're victims at all. So long as our "system" inconveniences them in any way, they're the ones the left wants to stick up for. As you may have seen, Selena Gomez had what appears to me a performative breakdown, crying into a camera about Trump's repatriation efforts by referring to those being deported as "my people."

As I said in a recent video, the people being deported are not Gomez's people, unless she thinks Haitian and Venezuelan gang members are the group she identifies with. To be clear, Gomez was born in Grand Prairie, Texas, which I live right next to. Her people are Texans, which are an amalgamation of and mix of people, including, but not nearly limited to, Mexican. In fact, as I say in the video, Gomez's mother is Italian, but you see no outrage coming from her over the assaults Italian women suffered from their illegal immigration problem. But Gomez exemplifies this aforementioned problem on the left, and it begs the question of "Who are your people?" The noble leftist will say, "my people are the poor and destitute, the underprivileged and the oppressed. Wherever there is injustice, there shall my heart be." Yeah, okay. According to ICE's annual report, in 2024 the burglaries, assaults, sexual assaults, kidnappings, and murders ranged in the thousands:

🔹 57,081 assaults. 🔹 18,579 sexual assaults and sex offenses. 🔹 12,895 weapons offenses. 🔹 11,822 burglaries. 🔹 5,462 robberies. 🔹 2,894 homicides. 🔹 2,766 kidnappings. -- Even looking at these numbers right now, they're just numbers, but behind these numbers are real people who had families. Real victims with faces and names. These aren't just statistics, they're the base number of real suffering. Those thousands and thousands are the victims that people like Selena Gomez should be referring to as "my people." Quite a few of these are women and children, but the anti-deportation crowd seems to be unwilling, if not unable, to put these people first in their hearts and minds. While I understand people like Gomez are crying over illegal immigrants who just came here for a better life and even have children here, illegal is still illegal, and the nature of our border opened us up for too much death and destruction. She's crying over illegal immigrants being deported.

I'm angry over American people, including children, suffering and dying. My people. Her people. Yet the left seems to give no mind to them. It's as if they're too privileged, too American. I have a very simple question for people who give no thought to these victims. Were these people worth sacrificing for the act of giving a home to foreign nationals illegally, even if it means we invite unmitigated crime and violence? Are you willing to look the families of the murdered, raped, or kidnapped in the eye and say, "your unimaginable pain is necessary for the dice roll that the person who came here illegally might be upright and good?" As it stands, the actions from people like Gomez are a wordless affirmation that, yes, your life, and even the life and safety of your child, are worth losing in the name of a simple virtue signal. This isn't virtue, this is sickness. This is willing to sacrifice innocents on the altar of your projection of being a good person.

This isn't compassion, this is spite disguised as pride in one's heritage and care for the needy. Whose side is the left on. Not yours, but I'd venture to guess it's not even on the side of the people they profess to care about. Their side is their own feelings about themselves and how they're seen to the wider world. So long as they feel like they're compassionate and virtuous, the world can burn to ashes, blood can flow, and their own nation can erode to death from within, but at least they can say to themselves "I did it in the name of doing right by the underprivileged." What a joke. I detest these people.

RedState: Selena Gomez's Meltdown Really Highlights One of the Left's Most Disgusting Issues

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