Minecraft W.I.P Memory Map Attempt 5.0

27 days ago

Delayed a bit (translation-forgot), but began the video for this after finishing V4's video (but didn't actually really do anything till today, and finished). As with the others, is not crazy edited, though slightly more than V4's.

It's pretty obvious that I began losing motivation here, as you can see even the starting hall walls are not even filled in. This was kind of the point where I left things for a while. Nevertheless, it still has some things relatively fleshed out, and while small, has probably my favorite accomplishment with these maps: the door that allows you to go to the "elevator" (I did have some help in FIXING the command to work the way as intended, but I did mostly figure it out on my own, which is why I'm probably happiest with that little detail--execute commands are really annoying for me to grasp). A small thing, but I've ended up using that command for most of V6's parkour--if I make the video for it in it's current state, it'll make sense once you see it.

This is reminding me, however, that I really should be working on V6--it has been a bit...

Side note: I may or may not make some small changes to the original videos, and likely this one, if I can figure it out, but I'm still deciding (it would likely not be too noticeable, or if it is, not important at all).

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