Krystal Ball Channels Big Pharma to Attack RFK, Jr.

7 days ago

Krystal Ball claims she is a "progressive" as well as "populist" yet she still manages to end up sounding like a corporate SHILL for Big Pharma in her deranged denunciations of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. during his confirmation hearings for Secretary of HHS. The "Breaking Points" host had RFK Jr. on their show last year and caught a lot of flack from viewers for doing the Democrat tactic we have seen at the confirmation hearings by overtalking him and not allowing him to say much. The channel comments on what she did last year were brutal last year and they are equally as harsh this year as we see a small sampling of "Breaking Points" viewer reaction to her slamming RFK Jr. again. A big part of her slams against RFK Jr. is that he hasn't subscribed to her Big Government (which helps Big Pharma) solutions to health care.

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