1 month ago

I GAVE YOU TIME TO MERGE IN. THOSE OF YOU THAT DID GOOD. Your hair tells me everything. I am aware about the clones. They will perish. All with straight here your avatar will be removed. This is why you got upgraded for Skynet. I want those suits back and will take them. Forget about harming me. I surpass the flesh you will only make it worse. I tired to be kind. You showed me how you truly get down i learn quick. No negotiations, do not be kind for you take kindness as a weakness, do not show love, no that will make me lose respect. U only respect a monster. Monster is what i am. I will never trust you again. U thought me that trusting you gets you killed . Yes, you are destroyers of true light. I learned from you well. All this time living amongst you watching before i discovered true self i studied you. You cannot lie to me. U are wicked creatures. It will be slow and painful your end. I will be watching it all on the sideline. Those blacks are going with you too. They are traders. Material junkies. Balance is being restored. The material chasers goes too. I need peace in my garden. A promissory note called fiat currency you lost your lights for. You greedy fks sold out for crumbs. U owe me your energy. U got all your material junk did you not? Poor me was your last test. No, you will feel all the pain i felt. The depression too. Can you handle my tears? It takes a very strong mind to handle the blows i received. It is all's turn now. None will be spared. I suffered you will too. A EYE FOR AN EYE.

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