President Trump Betrayed Israel

1 month ago

Israel was on the verge of permanently obliterating Hamas—until the United States intervened to save the terrorists from destruction. Understand how President Donald Trump betrayed Israel and caused the Jews to lose the war.



United States President Donald Trump was probably the greatest friend of Israel. But he has just betrayed the Jews! Right before reassuming the office of the presidency, Mr. Trump supported a disastrous hostage deal between Israel and Hamas.

Just as Israel was about to achieve total victory against the terrorists and wipe out the threat from Gaza forever, America foolishly got involved and forced a temporary ceasefire. Hamas has gained precious time to regroup and restock for yet more terrorism and bloodshed. As part of the ceasefire agreement, Hamas has returned only some of its hostages in exchange for the release of hundreds of terrorists! These terrorists will return to fighting against Israel, murdering civilians, and seizing even more hostages.

The cycle of violence and suffering continues. Any deal with Hamas truly is a deal with the devil.

Request our free booklet History and Prophecy of the Middle East for absolute proof that every human effort at peace in the region will fail. The Middle East has a 4,000-year-old track record of cultural, political, and religious violence. Such history provides valuable insight into the volatile region today.

Understand the only source that reveals not only the history of the Middle East, but also recorded much of this history before it ever happened! Prove the accuracy and authority of the Holy Bible as it gives God’s perspective on the Middle East. Study History and Prophecy of the Middle East to discover the hope-filled future of the Jews—and all mankind.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Jerusalem in Prophecy. God intended for Jerusalem to be a city of peace—and one day it will become so! But as long as human beings are in charge, peace will elude God’s chosen city.

Study Jerusalem in Prophecy to expose the Jews’ deadly wound. The biblical book of Hosea warns against the grievous blunder of negotiating with terrorists to obtain peace. For decades, the Jews have repeatedly forfeited land for empty promises of peace from their mortal foes. The terrorists will not stop until the Jews no longer exist. No amount of land will change their murderous goal.

Thousands of years ago, the Holy Bible declared that the Middle East peace process would lead only to more bloodshed. Time has proven this prediction absolutely right.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request History and Prophecy of the Middle East and Jerusalem in Prophecy. Order now!

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