Roger Stone: "The Cover up Behind the JFK and RFK Assassinations"

7 days ago

I think this absolutely has to do with money. I must say that Thomas Matthew Crook, the alleged murderer of President Trump—or the attempted murderer of President Trump, because I’m not sure we’ve had the opportunity to see all the facts and assess that claim—it may be too recent, as there may be an additional indictment there.

But certainly, in the case of JFK, the fact that CIA Director Mike Pompeo was the one who blocked President Trump from releasing all this material in 2017, I think, pretty much tells you who he was trying to cover for.

And last week, we had this shocking audio recording in which two allies of Lyndon Johnson—one of them the executive director of the Democratic National Committee, the other Billie Sol Estes, a Johnson ally who went to prison for corruption—were speaking to each other and acknowledging that LBJ hired a man named Malcolm "Mac" Wallace to kill JFK, which is consistent with my book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ. And then, of course, there’s that.

You can get that, by the way, by going to or But at the same time, we don’t have all the facts about Robert Kennedy’s death, as his son, Bobby Kennedy, points out. The rather famous Los Angeles County coroner, Thomas Noguchi, says that RFK Sr. was killed by two point-blank shots to the back left of his head.

However, Sirhan Sirhan, the man convicted of killing Kennedy, was always in front of Kennedy, never behind him. He fired, I believe, eight shots, each of them accounted for, and none of them struck Senator Robert Kennedy. So, yes, we need to dig deeper into that.

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