Stop Chasing Symptoms + Target the Gut - 70-80% of your immune system is in it

1 month ago

Your immune system is in your gut! Did you know your immune system is in your gut?

70-80% of our immune system cells are in our gut.

Stop chasing symptoms like hormonal imbalances, UTIs, or headaches - and heal the root! The GUT!

All body systems are dependent on the health of your GUT!

According to science 70-80% of your immune system cells are found in your gut (Wiertsema et al., 2021).
Your gut health controls your temple!

If you are eating unclean ingredients,

If you are eating unclean thoughts,

If you are eating unclean music, television or movies,

If you are walking c0ntrary to the W0rd,

You are DISRUPTING the gut!

Remove the stressors from the gut, and get better!

Do not chase symptoms - clear the gut then re-evaluate.

It is vital for the healing of any health concern(s), to start with healing digestion because all body systems are dependent on the health of the gut!

What happens is when the gut is weakened, it sends signals of distress throughout the entire body.

This is why people are chasing neurological disorders without properly addressing the gut first.

Systems Dependent on Health of Gut:

Endocrine which are our hormones

People are chasing symptoms. We need to clear out the muddy waters in the gut. Then see what the body is showing.

We stopped chasing symptoms after 30 years of doing what the world says to do to get better and targeted the root. Root cause healing. HalleluYAH #nourishyourgut #Yahuah #guthealing

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