Philippians KJV

1 month ago

Be bold to speak of the Lord, for whatever affliction that may come from your willingness to speak the truth is only reasonable and there is no glory in fearing man for all they can do is take your life. Instead fear the one who can take both life and soul. For the Lord suffered on the cross for all. Is it too much to ask of you to suffer for him? These sufferings and sacrifices are what give us treasures in heaven and they are what glorify the Lord to be a witness for others to find deeper value in Christ. It may be scary to preach the truth, but if that's what it takes for a soul to receive the knowledge of the gospel, is it not worth the risk for others' salvation?
You have the power through the Holy Ghost to make a difference in others lives through the word of God to help others seek Christ. They crucified Christ because of what He said, so do not be surprised if you are chastised by those that are against Christ. However, the Lord will protect you, and if it is your time to depart from this life remember that to die is to be with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8, Rom. 14:8). Remember that these acts take humility, and the Holy Spirit will guide you in what to say and what when to say it. So, rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 4:4-7).

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