January 30th 2025 Countrywide Coordinator Training with Anna von Reitz

1 month ago

Meeting summary for Countrywide Coordinator Training with Anna von Reitz (01/31/2025)
Quick recap
The meeting covered various topics including recovery efforts in North Carolina, government restructuring, legal issues, and personal empowerment. Discussions focused on reclaiming state assets, addressing corrupt state governments, and understanding individual rights and responsibilities within the legal system. The participants also shared personal experiences and strategies for positive change, emphasizing the importance of focusing on desired outcomes and maintaining a constructive mindset.
Next steps
• State Assemblies to develop a template for American common law State trusts under the control of the State assemblies.
• Lori to appeal Cheryl's case on the basis of not receiving a trial by jury of her peers and lack of competent witness.
• Lori to contact the head of the Democratic or Republican party in Arkansas regarding Cheryl's case.
• Joshua Lee to start working with the State Department to locate the right office for approving credential cards as valid ID.
• Assembly members to meditate at 6 AM and 6 PM daily to counteract negative energies and envision positive outcomes.
• Arkansas Assembly members to spend 5 minutes daily envisioning a positive resolution to Cheryl's case.
• All assemblies to review their state legislators' committees and roles to identify potential allies for addressing issues.
• Tammy to send Anna an invitation to the International Outreach Think Tank meeting on February 12th.
• All assembly members to focus on forming a coherent vision of what they want and actively imagine positive outcomes.
Anna's Christmas Tree Removal Discussed
Anna and Michelle discuss the removal of Anna's Christmas tree, which was taken down by a staff member who had previously helped set it up. The call begins with updates on recovery efforts in North Carolina, where Donald Trump has allocated $2 billion for rebuilding after recent disasters. Cynthia leads a prayer, and Michael recites the Bivens decision to establish the privacy and confidentiality of the meeting. The coordinators are waiting for Anna to fully join the call and begin the training session.
Government Decentralization and Empowering Workers
Anna and Michelle discussed the arrival of Shannon's newborn baby, Clarence, and how he has already brought joy and comfort amidst the challenges of the world. They also discussed the growing awareness and momentum towards understanding the true nature of government and the importance of decentralization. Michelle expressed optimism about the future, predicting that this year would be a breakout year for their cause. Both agreed that the current administration has played a significant role in stimulating thought and action, leading to more open thinking and a desire for truth. They concluded by emphasizing the importance of empowering government workers to do the right thing and ultimately regaining the power of the pen and purse.
Clarifying U.S. National Debt Misconceptions
Anna discusses a document called "Final Stand Down Orders" and explains various misconceptions about the U.S. national debt. She clarifies that the debt in question dates back to the Revolutionary War and is owed to the British government, not to Americans. Anna also explains the restructuring of the federal government, including the elimination of duplicate agencies and departments. She notes that this process will likely result in the dismissal of millions of federal employees, with only about 20% potentially being rehired by the British Territorial Government.
Fraudulent IRS Practices and Obligations
Michelle and Anna discussed the fraudulent nature of the IRS and its impact on individuals. They highlighted that the IRS has no armed authority and is not allowed to be armed, and that it is a money laundering and fraud scheme. They also pointed out that it is illegal to demand a kickback payroll tax from employees as a condition of employment. Anna suggested that the corporations have the obligation to collect these taxes, but they should remind them of their status and that they are obligated to exempt them. Michelle suggested that a simple letter could remind them of this obligation. They concluded that the whole system needs to stop and that people should remind their employers of their status. They also discussed the importance of raising awareness about these issues.
State Control of Assets and Infrastructure
Anna emphasized the importance of State assemblies taking control of their assets and infrastructure from foreign subcontractors. She suggested that each State should set up its own State trust to manage these assets and protect them for future generations. Anna also highlighted the need for State assemblies to direct these foreign subcontractors on how to organize and manage their assets. Michelle agreed with Anna's points and stressed the importance of understanding the type of state government in each State to effectively manage the transfer of assets.
Common Law, Credibility, and Maritime Law
Anna and Michelle discussed the complexities of common law and the need for individuals to understand their rights and responsibilities. They addressed a question from Mike about obtaining a.gov mailing address to increase their credibility, but Anna clarified that this wouldn't solve the issue as they are not part of the incorporated internet. She emphasized the importance of individuals learning about American Admiralty and Maritime law to defend their positions. Anna also mentioned plans for a new series of granobytes on the Federal Reserve and IRS. Sue suggested an international public notice to TSA to educate them about the credential card, but Anna noted that TSA is now operating under the National Defense Authorization Act, leading to increased restrictions on travel.
Militia Authority and Sheriff Notices
Nancy and Anna discussed the flow of authority between the General Assembly, the Militia Special Purpose Committee, and the militia. Anna clarified that the Militia Special Purpose Committee acts as a go-between for the militia and the General Assembly, addressing concerns and budget requests. The General Assembly has the final vote on these matters. Nancy also raised a question about the role of the General Assembly in approving the work of the pillars, to which Anna responded that the General Assembly approves matters that affect the entire state. Rebecca then raised a question about the timing of sending sheriff notices, given the militia's current status. Anna advised Rebecca to share the sheriff's notices with the sheriff, directing him to Boyd Adams's presentation on YouTube and the court case Mac and Prinz.
State Asset Reclamation and Corruption
The discussion focuses on challenges faced by State Assemblies in reclaiming control over state assets and dealing with corrupt state governments. Anna explains that many state assets are currently held in British territorial trusts rather than American common law trusts. She mentions that the Federation is working on developing templates for American common law state trusts to be controlled by State Assemblies. The conversation then shifts to the specific case of Arkansas, where Anna describes a history of corruption and racial prejudice in the state government. Lori expresses frustration with the state's refusal to recognize their Assembly member's declared status, and asks about next steps, including the possibility of militia involvement.
Addressing Cheryl's Legal Issues
Lori, Anna, Kathi, and Michelle discussed the ongoing legal issues faced by Cheryl, who was not receiving the constitutional protections she was entitled to. Anna suggested that Cheryl's case could be brought to the attention of the new Attorney General and Inspector General, and that they could be forced to deal with it as if she was one of their own. Lori mentioned that they had contacted the Governor of Arkansas, but she had ignored their requests. Anna advised Lori to contact the head of the Democratic or Republican party in Arkansas, as they have more influence over the political officials. The group also discussed the possibility of the President of the United States intervening with force, as had happened in California.
Cheryl's Case: Jury Rights and Witnesses
In the meeting, Anna discussed the legal implications of Cheryl's case, emphasizing the importance of Cheryl's right to a trial by jury of her peers and the need for competent witnesses. Eugene, from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, shared his familiarity with the case and its complexities. Lori and Michelle discussed the potential role of a power of attorney in the case, with Anna clarifying that a power of attorney assumes that the person has powers of attorney to turn over to someone else. The group decided to appeal the case on the basis of Cheryl not receiving a trial by jury of her peers and the lack of competent witnesses. Michelle suggested reaching out to legislators who have a genuine interest in helping people and have a heart for government corruption. The group agreed to look into this approach further.
International Outreach Think Tank Meeting
In the meeting, Tammy informed Anna about an upcoming invitation to the International Outreach Think Tank meeting on February 12th. Joshua-Lee discussed the possibility of creating a document with the credential card front and back, and getting it authenticated by the Secretary of State. Anna advised him to work through the State Department and military offices for this issue, as they are currently undergoing reorganization. Joshua-Lee agreed to double-check the process. Bernie then shared his personal experience of meditating at 6 AM and 6 PM daily, as well as at 11 AM and 11 PM, and encouraged others to do the same, stating that he has seen positive results.
Focusing on Personal Growth and Cleansing
Anna emphasized the importance of focusing on what one wants in life, rather than drifting along with external circumstances. She suggested that people should spend time considering their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, and imagine a world where they have what they want. She also discussed the concept of a psychic war, likening it to class warfare, and suggested that people should focus on erasing evil from their minds and hearts. Bernie shared his personal experience of using the violet flame to cleanse the planet, and Michelle thanked Anna for the training session. The group ended the conversation with a positive note, encouraging each other to continue their efforts.
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