"Dissonance" | Original Fingerstyle Guitar Duet

1 month ago

dis·so·nance noun
lack of harmony among musical notes.

I think this is my favorite video I've ever uploaded to this channel--

a little something my cousin Caleb and I have been writing for the past couple of weeks. It's a melodic journey filled with the rich dissonance of semitone intervals... and into resolution once again, like the gentle waves at sea. Tension, and release. One string, after another.


p.s. let us know if you want to see more duets in the future : )

Special Thanks To:
Shirye - our cameraman
Rustin - our mixing engineer

FREE FINGERSTYLE GUITAR MASTERCLASS: https://or-guitar.com/optin

[Free Mini Course] Master Barre Chords in 1 Week: https://master-the-barre-necessities....

My Gear: https://amzn.to/3WLeg3P

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