Ex Muslim Bro Walid Shoebat: The Antchrist Will Emerge From Islam

3 hours ago

☪ The Empire Of The Antichrist is Very Near, and it will be Turkey.

It is because Turkey (aka Yavan, Lydia, Meshech, Tubal, Gomer and Pergamum) is in several major prophetic key references in the Bible.

The Bible speaks of Egypt and not the Bilderbergs, Illuminates or Russians. The destiny of Egypt is spelled out in Isaiah 19.

Egypt—in the coming years—will be weakened to the point that the Turks (Iron) will take over the weakened clay nations of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya (Daniel 11:42). These just opted for the fad of Sharia over western secularism. Keep in mind, the Muslim Brotherhood won by democratic elections just as Hamas won in the Palestinian arena and just as the AKP Islamist party won in Turkey through democracy.

Like Egypt, the big factor in maintaining a government is the military. In Turkey, the military always moved in whenever an Islamist government came to power and closed shop. In the case of Turkey, both groups (Naqshabandi and Gülenists) feared that the military — and subsequently the judiciary — were poised to close them down leading them to work jointly to reduce the military through judicial processes, particularly with the Ergenekon and Sledgehammer plot investigations. Erdoğan will continue to change set laws.

Turkey uniting with Iran brings us to Ezekiel 38’s Gog who unites with Persia (Iran).

Turkey’s Sufist brand of Islam will be welcomed over Wahhabism which links to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. With the Muslim Brotherhood more allied with the Turkish Ottoman roots, Turkey can advance into Egypt as Daniel predicted. With a war on Wahhabism, this next brand of Islam will be the most deceptive of its kind.

Finally, in Islam, there is what is called Bai’at (allegiance). Whomever will lead this new movement, and in order to win the hearts of the Muslim world, must present himself as Caliph and a Caliph by Islamic law must be given allegiance (Bai’at) by all Muslims. This Bai’at (allegiance) will be for seven years in which all Muslims must have the mark of their faith on their forehead or on their right arm.

Things are also tightening for Saudi Arabia, the mother harlot of Wahhabism.

The Babylon of the end-times is not Iraq or Rome as many said.

They failed to examine Scripture closely and isolated verses from their own pre-conceived context. The Bible in end-time prophecy never even mentions ancient cities of Babylon; in every verse in the Bible where a region or city within this predicted Babylon is mentioned, that region or city is in Arabia, not Iraq (Isaiah 21, Jeremiah 49). It is Kedar, Dumah and Arabia; there is no mention of Babel, Sumer, Accad, Erech, Calneh, New York City, Rome … in any of these verses.

Saudi Arabia is soon to be gobbled up by Iran who is building a nuclear bomb. Neither Israel nor the U.S. would attack Iran. And while U.S. prophecy analysts years ago predicted the revival of Iraq’s Babylon by Saddam, their predictions and books are in the garbage bin of history.

Arabia is the mouthpiece (mouth of a lion), which Islam emanates from. It is the Harlot from the desert Island (Revelation 17:3) that sits on many waters, the “desert of the sea” (Isaiah 21) which John saw. It is the desert where Christ warned us about (Mathhew 24:22, Galatians 4:25) and is referred to as “Babylon is fallen is fallen” in Isaiah 21.

We live in an era with Christians who love God, yet they do not love knowledge and are destroyed for the lack of it.

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