Your dad is the devil himself

1 month ago

You have definitely prove you are the spawn of satan. i have no clue why you keep mentioning.God cause you are not one of god's children. you never will be. erase sega pacino your father's satan.

You're actually gonna force your kids to do another live event about you and your lies. and to correct you on this b*******.

And when you want to talk about grooming, you're grooming too. Mentally ill adults, name chanel and holly. it's scary on how many mentally ill individuals you actually attract. on top of it, they're a white supremacist group. enter from where all s***goes down Oregon. i mean, these are the people that destroyed the most beautiful state in america , Oregon. part of the largest white trash human beings on the planet too bad. We can't deport them, but because they are american citizens. and yeah, they're not gonna like what I put here, but I don't give a f***It is the truth. they're not your normal, white people, they're white trash. they have ghetto personality. they still act like children.

You can't even reason with these women just like we can't even reason with you. you're mentally ill. you said you were gonna go get help. i actually believed you.

If you can't stop michelle, I will have to keep making awareness videos. that's just how it's gonna go.

Same thing for the slithering sisters, if they can't figure out they're barking up the wrong tree, they're gonna go through what you're going through.

So when you record watch your p's and q's 'cause that's what i'm looking for.

And keep searching for me, go right ahead.'cause you're gonna wish you never found me, I promise you that. at that point I don't need the law. you will.

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