Inaugural Passages: What's Your Type? Part 2

1 month ago

Last week, we started a new sermon series entitled Inaugural Passages. Most Presidents Elect took their presidential oath on a Bible, some were open and some were not. The lessons look at some of the known passages to which the Bibles were opened. Today’s sermon is the conclusion of last week’s look at George Washington’s passage in Genesis 49 and the final blessings and prophecies Jacob made for his 12 sons and how they apply to us in modern times.

Thank you for watching. If you would like to know more about God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ and how to become a Christian as the New Testament teaches, contact a church of Christ in your area
or email me at 2 Timothy

I do my best to keep a record of sources for illustrations, quotes, statistics and other information used in sermons and classes.

However, I get a lot of sermon ideas and content from a lot of sources and don't always remember to make a note of those sources. Therefore, no
claims to total originality are made or implied for this lesson. Any and all bibliographical information I have for this lesson is available upon request. Email me at: 2timothy4.2.3 at gmaildotcom
with questions, comments or sermon suggestions.

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