23.1.2025 Uncle

1 month ago

2328 After another night of having our roof pelted with sticks, rocks from the wall across the road and bottles and cans (full ones) which culminated in my housemates rear windscreen being smashed (2nd time) we'd like to send a big shout out to the gentlemen who was screaming at his nephew and the other little shits before the Police came - kudos to you!
and another one goes out to all the indigenous drunks who stood back chuckling and laughing in the dark where no one could see them whilst the Police were attending - fucking bunch of racist cowards who are happy to do whatever they like as long as nobody can see them.
It's nice to know we're not the only ones who think these people are way out of line and it's always good to see that someone from his own family is calling him out for his shit.
Just think - BLUE BIKE. We know who he is even if runs around and hides under the cover of darkness.
Video one is just a part of what we heard his uncle say as he obviously followed his nephew around into Barang Street.
We salute him for his efforts and thank him for standing up for what is right.
If you want to know why we are having the problems we're having in Kuranda it's because of Officer Arshole here (the current officer in charge), in video number 2. He stated quite clearly, before I turned the camera on, that 'they are allowed to drink in public' but wouldn't repeat it in front of the camera NOR did he have his body-cam turned on.
Aren't they supposed to have their cameras on to record what goes on in the line of duty?
11+ hours of a group of 30+ indigenous people drinking unabated in the park and this is what it always devolves into.
But it's OK because Officer Arshole claims they are allowed to drink in public.
Maybe he needs to walk into either of our public parks and read the signs on display in both?
What hope does Kuranda have when the officer in charge is not even aware of the law that states it's illegal to drink alcohol in a public place?
It's all good though because we all know it's ALL my fault and I'm just a racist for even mentioning it
If that's what you think - fuck off out of this group now because YOU are part of the problem.

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