Article 5241 Video - International Public Notice: No Joke By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5241 Video - International Public Notice: No Joke - Wednesday, January 29, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

President Trump has slammed the hammer down on home countries that send us their criminals and then refuse to take them back when we deport them and provide them a free ride home.

Trump's reply to Columbia when Columbia refused to take back plane loads of illegals with violent felony records went totally over the top. The sanctions he announced against Columbia were just short of a declaration of war, and within half an hour, the downsides of not accepting the returnees prevailed.

The captured felons are returning home, and from now on, the Colombian Government will have to pay the costs of transporting and prosecuting their own murderers, rapists, armed robbers, and drug networkers.

Mr. Trump made it clear that we're done dealing with their thugs in our country and Ms. Mexico got the same message, and so did Honduras, and Guatemala and.....

Besides that brief and bloody game of international Whack-a-Mole, we have plenty of additional headlines to ponder.

As cynical observers with a long memory, we remember "Gidget Goes Hawaiian" and other Surfer films full of bouncy babes and handsome hunks lolling around on the beach, long, long, long before Baywatch. Nowadays, the movie title reads "Michelle Goes to Gitmo".

The collective mind reels through sleepy late night comparison scenarios. Instead of bikinis, prison diapers. Instead of beaches, interrogation cells. Instead of hormone charged flirting, man on girl, obscene suggestions man on man. Each frame of the new movie reeks like rotten onions and we are left wondering, "How did it come to this?"

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