Jim Acosta Arrested

1 month ago

Jim Acosta Arrested
By Michael Baxter -January 30, 2025

US Army Criminal Investigation Division agents arrested CNN anchor Jim Acosta Tuesday, before the network announced his retirement and an Acosta facsimile—CGI, Deep Fake, etc.…–delivered a fervent farewell broadcast to his millions of liberal and Deep State fans.

At approximately 3:00 p.m., CID agents holding a military arrest warrant confronted Acosta outside his palatial home in the outskirts of Atlanta, not far from CNN’s studio headquarters. It’s unclear if CID lured Acosta outside or if he left the home of his own volition. Regardless, he began fleeing on foot across his manicured lawn while pulling a cellphone from his pocket. He was quickly tackled, the phone knocked from his hand, shouting, “But I didn’t do anything!” as CID zip tied his wrists, hoisted him to his feet, and escorted him to their vehicle parked nearby.

“I demand to know what this is about,” Acosta said. “Is this about Trump? You have no authority. What are the charges?”

“Charges? You’ll find out later. All you need to know right now is you’ll be tried and found guilty,” an agent replied.

A source familiar with the arrest told Real Raw News that the charges against Acosta include dissemination of enemy propaganda, seditious conspiracy, and treason, all of which could send him to the gallows. The propaganda charge relates to Acosta having spread vaccine disinformation during the height of the COVID-19 plandemic. The source said White Hats have undeniable proof that Acosta conspired with Biden regime health officials and received financial compensation for lying about the clot shot’s efficacy and side effects.

Asked whether President Trump’s contempt for Acosta factored in the arrest, the source took umbrage: “What are you, the MSM? This is business, not personal. In spite of what liberal media says, Trump isn’t targeting people because he doesn’t like them. They’re criminals, that’s why they’re going to GITMO. It’s not about some petty, personal feud.”

In November 2019, President Trump briefly stripped Acosta of his White House press credentials following a vitriolic argument over how Trump labeled a Central American migrant caravan heading toward the United States. The President properly called it an invasion, which outraged Acosta and sent him spiraling into a vitriolic meltdown. Although Trump restored Acosta’s privileges shortly thereafter, the squabble worsened a longstanding mutual disdain.

“Acosta is an enemy of the Constitution and, by extension, the United States and its people,” our source said. How many people died because he told them to get boosted? It’s incalculable. I don’t know if he’s been tested yet, but I bet he isn’t vaccinated.”

White Hats routinely perform bloodwork on Deep Staters taken into custody; the vast majority were unvaccinated.


The Digital Soldier Press


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