Curious spotted eagle ray slows to make eye contact with scuba diver

11 hours ago

Spotted eagle rays are beautiful stingrays with very distinctive heads and ornate markings. For any scuba diver or snorkeler, they are a treat to see in the ocean. Usually shy and reclusive, watching one close up is a rare sight. This eagle ray seemed to be unconcerned as it drifted close to a scuba diver perched on a rocky ledge, staying out of the current. The eagle ray slowed and turned to closely inspect him with great curiosity. Having a highly intelligent wild animal look into your eyes is something that can stir your soul.
Eagle rays use their electro sensory organs in their snout to detect crustaceans and mollusks buried beneath the sand. They inhale the animals and the sand and then expel the sand out through their gills. They are capable of crushing thick shells in their mouth in order to get at the creature within.
Eagle rays are highly intelligent, and occasionally curious about humans who approach slowly or who remain still when they swim close. The ocean is full of amazing and complex animals that we are only beginning to understand.

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