Q Revisited

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Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner

Q Revisited

I can’t take the credit for this work as I got it from RedPill Project on Rumble. His show was called Que The Storm. I do want to maintain my stance on Trump, even if the information on Q gives hope of a free world. Judging by my interpretation of Jacob’s trouble, there is no peace. Satan isn’t going to let this coup be uncontrolled by him. Especially when he is so close to his goal of a new world order. I do believe that dynasties or corporations controlled by dynasties always war against each other. This is the information that I did on my research of the black nobility and illumination families.

If Q is true and not a Tavistock institute creation as I have found in my research, then it would be wonderful and I would be glad to eat my hat. History has never let us down when it comes to data. Every power that takes control is evil. We learn this from 1st and 2nd Kings. Out of 42 Kings, only two did what was right according to the Lord. This gives us a clue as to when we can expect a good King. 42 kings that lived 70 years comes to an average of 3,000 years. I believe the actual years were less and around 554 years. So, every 250 years the world will get someone with power who does what is right. Maybe we are due.

In 1996, Bill Clinton is president of the United States and he gets
wrapped up in what is known as the China Doll scandal. This is where he sells China US military missile secrets. At the same time, he gave eight tactical nukes to North Korea. Or the press says Bill Clinton gave North Korea $5 billion and two nuclear reactors in 1994, essentially giving them nukes. This is fact. Proof in my links below.

Clinton also decimated our military, reducing the amount of spending by 50% of the US naval ships and removed over 30% of the manpower, firing all the patriotic Reaganists and Bush appointed generals.So this scandal was about to break. All of a sudden, Bill Clinton gets a oral job in the White House and does some funky things with a cigar.
And that leads to his impeachment but not China Doll. The whole Monica Lewinsky scandal was a cover up for his worser crimes.

General Wesley Clark during the first and second Iraq war came out speaking about this in the mid 2000s. He got shut down immediately because he was talking about how all of this was all ran by the globalists. The globalists are the ones who want to go in and exploit countries. They want the American military to do this. They want us to kill people. You’; notice this if you join the the military, you start seeing that that our military is one of these purveyors of checks and balances but secretly wiping out the wealth of 3rd world countries.

Fast forward to the September 11th Patriot Act. George Bush, obviously complicit in these reading the books up upside down, had absolutely no command and control authority on the attacks on September 11th 2001. This gives the excuse to go into Iraq and Afghanistan for oil and opium, the 20-year war.

Albert Pike, the head of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry at the end of the 19th century, early 20th century, in a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, who was the head of the illegal crime syndicate throughout Europe, talking about the three various wars, and this was supposed to be World War III. So we go into this war, based on no supporting evidence, we get out of it 20 years later, then we institute the Bio-terrorism Act, which sets up the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defense Reduction Agency to repurpose old Soviet bio labs, which follows the National Defense Authorization Act, which publicly begin to erode as more questions are coming than answers so they set up various different powers and directives under what we know of as Presidential Emergency Action Documents to make the elite’s goals covered under national security.

Now, there's a lot of controversy out there about the federal government. Congress has been trying to get into the executive branch for discovery of what the feds have been doing for a very long time.
Now, here's a disclaimer about feds. Every president that comes in has the ability to review all the other presidents prior federal actions
as well as make changes to amendments and addendums. Since the elite place their selected presidents in, they can continue their conquests. But there's one Presidential Emergency Action Directive that came about known as Directive 51. Directive 51 is incredibly important because this allows for the suspension of Habeas Corpus under
the Patriot Act that came about.

The suspension of a Habis Corpus is removing the due process of law. This means legal detainment indefinitely of American citizens. In Directive 51, basically, it says that if there's ever a position where
the government is in crises, nationally, geographically, or globally, and that there has to be a contingency of government plan, that the government has the right to suspend our rights, this is the right that they gave themselves through executive orders and privileges to go out there and detain any citizen they want without due process. January 6 gives an example of this. They believe would get stepped in the way of the process of contingency of government.

Fast forward to 2007. Six nuclear-armed cruise missiles were mistakenly loaded onto a B-52 bomber at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. Fact. Links below. From people Red Pill had talked to who are close to this information, they said that that bomber was never supposed to make it to where it was going. But what happened is they detected the bomb on it and basically realized that, oh shit,
we could potentially have a broken arrow situation. And this basically understood that this bomber had to have security, everything like this,
bring it back in. So this bomb becomes national news. These are the type of nuclear incidences that shouldn't happen. Someone gave the order and it was not the federal government or military. 6 armed tactical nukes attached to a B-52 bomber flew across the United States. If it crashed, well, say goodbye to wherever it lands. So a few months later after this incident, and you have to dig hard to find the information for this one, but it's out there under the name, major general Kevin Sullivan.

Major General Kevin Sullivan leads you to the information down a huge rabbit hole that will help us start to understanding what happened.
Fox and CNN were covering the bomber news while Major General Kevin Sullivan received a box of Minuteman 3, Mark 12 nuclear triggers from a nosecone of an Airforce airplane. These are the things that you plug in to the ICBMs that triggers the explosion. Now, this box in the nosecone goes to North Dakota, to Utah, just outside of Salt Lake City to the defense logistics agency. Now the head of the defense logistics agency at this time is major general Kevin Sullivan. Now, in these facilities, typically they have very few limited military. They usually have defense contractors, third party contractors, or they're taking care
of the income and outcome and all these different things and the accountability of all the records.

Well, at the defense logistics agency, there is a company called EG&G that was basically taking in all the classified material. Now, you might have heard of EG&G because they're kind of interesting to the story. EG&G, formally known as Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc., was a United States national defense contractor. Bob Lazar, UFO dude, in the late 1980s, early 1990s, claimed that he knew Edward Teller, who was part of the Manhattan Project. Edward Teller recommended him for a job at what's known as Area 51 S4. And Bob Lazar goes to S4 and he sees, you know, advanced alien aircraft and he's, you know, working on the propulsion systems, trying to figure out how this thing works, how the gravitational system works on it. Well, the company that Bob Lazar worked for was EG&G. If you ever heard of the Janet flights that flew out of Nellis Airforce base and flew out of McLaren to Area 51, well they're called Janet flights, that was ran by EG and G. So they obviously have something in the aspect of high level classified technology.
So the defense logistics agency, they were the company that was in charge of what was going on there.

So what we have is we have this box of Mark three, minute men, Mark 12 triggers that come in out of the blue. Well, once it comes in, it gets declassified from top secret down to not classified at all. And the label that got put on the box was helicopter batteries.

So, they put it on the shelf with thousands of other boxes of helicopter batteries. A few months later, the trigger box “helicopter batteries” gets picked up, put on a plane and set the Taiwan. Well, Taiwan during this time, I mean, obviously is infiltrated by China. China is making their moves on the West and one of the first parts was the infiltration
of Taiwan. Now, China is organized crime utilizing various
organizations like the triads that basically infiltrate just like the CIA does through coercion, blackmail and deception. This box gets to Taiwan and then gets put on a boat sent over the China. Now we don't really know what's in it. We're just told it's these Mark three triggers. Still, it’s a lie as we can never trust government or military and their answers. So it gets sent over the China. The Taiwanese intelligence agency got wind of what was going on. They infiltrated and seized the boat and recovered whatever was in that box and they went back
to the United States military and asked what to do. Like, hey we got some stuff here. This doesn't look like helicopter batteries.

Well this prompts a major investigation in the United States military.
Ten general officers lost their positions were forced in the early retirement with letters of reprimand to their record, including major general Kevin Sullivan. Now, he's relevant because he's going to become important later on because it suspicions lead to him being a part of the deep state or elite. And after they are fired or retired, they don't just fade or go away. They get hired into think tanks and all these different types of things and then add their children in to come up into the ranks.

So, some patriots who still believe in America starts asking questions.
Is someone in the military high up there in rank selling military secrets to China? Or worse selling triggers? Thus a supposed secret committee was made that was not known to congress, senate or the President. These are temporary employees of the government to assess and report. Made up of military officers, general ranks and above, as well as maybe a few retired congressmen and senators who were at one time part of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission oversight board or the Armed Services Committee. One of the people Red Pill speculates would have been Jeff Sessions because he was on both of those
committees and he had over 20 years in service in the Senate during this time.

And so he would have known about these types of events because he was deep within the intelligence sector in the United States military. So at this time they probably formulated some type of investigation to find out who is doing this? And what they would utilize is military assets, military intelligence as well during this time. A few months later, Barack Obama comes into office. George Bush goes out, Barack Obama comes in. Barack Obama starts doing some major changes to the military as well as to policy, including new foreign policies. Barack Obama starts up an educational exchange program with China. Barack Obama signs an executive order allowing China to have complete access to
our electrical grid here in the United States of America where major supply chains are dependent upon China for that electrical grid as well as company ownership of the private companies that oversee the maintenance, the repair and the operation of the grid can be
bought by China. This is recorded as China built the power transformers. Biden picked this back up after Trump tried to stop it.
This was Barack Obama who started this. So that starts raising red flags, right? So these patriotic Americans in high places begin investigating again. Maybe utilizing the NSA, DIA or through some contingent group within the Army, Navy, DNI, or something
of that nature. Nothing gets done yet about the China problem, again.

Now, the deep state realizes that they're being observed and watched, so they start to attack those that are investigating them supposedly.
Russian hackers start hacking George Bush's emails and all these other people's emails. We had hacking frenzy going on back and forth.
Well now this takes us into like 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Well what happens during this time? We have WikiLeaks that comes out with Hillary Clinton's emails, which I don't think was an accident. Redpill thinks it was most likely the intelligence sector that was observing all of the deep state that leaked this to WikiLeaks. Next we have Edward Snowden who goes to the NSA and releases this program, which was all the tools that the NSA was using the spy on American citizens. But there's just one problem. Edward Snowden came from the Central Intelligence Agency. He worked under John Brennan, a bad guy. John Brennan was well aware of what was happening and sent Edward Snowden over to the NSA. Edward Snowden supposedly finds the project that is spying on the deep state actors collecting evidence on them illegally. He then releases it to the public, shuts the military intelligence operation that was spying on the deep state overnight.

So now, according to Redpill there's panic within the Patriot community.
Like oh shit, what are we going to do? This is when we saw people like Phillip Haney, DHS whistleblowers come forth, whom was supposedly suicided. Then we have Admiral Ace Lyons come forth and the feds start to scream about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into our government. He died too (in 2018). And they had every right to, because the chief of staff for Hillary Clinton was a woman by the name of Huma Aberdeen. Huma Aberdeen’s father is the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Huma Aberdeen was Hillary Clinton's handler.
And she was collecting massive amounts of evidence on Hillary Clinton, which was being stored on Anthony Wiener's laptop. Anthony Wiener is a pedophile who was sending naked pictures of himself to 15 year old girls. And so after this operation gets shut down, they start uncovering within Hillary Clinton's emails, all of the deep state spying that these people are all pedophiles, which were being blackmailed by Jeffrey Epstein as they all were traveling to his blackmail island. Jeffrey allegedly recorded all of them having sex with minors.

Then Pizza gate unfolds. Think about it. How can a military intelligence group fight against a wealthy pedophile cabal stealing secrets and destroying their own country? They made an anonymous phone call to the New York City Police Department about Anthony Wiener and his text messages to minors. And sure enough, he gets arrested for sending nude pictures to a 15 year old girl and his laptop gets seized. His laptop had all the dirt on Hillary Clinton in a file called “life insurance”. Now, how do you enter evidence into a system legally? Hunter Biden’s laptop, Wiener's laptop, Hillary Clinton's emails, which by this time were already destroyed. The intelligence community, the Patriots are fighting back against these people that are trying to suppress them.

This is where Q comes in. Inside the Q group, the directorate hunting down Edward Snowden. The top secret Q group has been chasing Edward Snowden since he disappeared in May. Eli Lake on the intel communities, internal police and why the agency is in a complete freak out mode. Interesting name for a group. Q group. So we got the Q group, which is hunting Edward Snowden during this time as well. So from 2010 to like 2014, 2015, this is basically the Patriots on their back getting hammered from the deep state. Barack Obama wins reelection. He basically goes in their cleans house again, gets rid of everybody he doesn't like. And we start seeing moves being made strategically. We have to understand that there are various different types of organizations prior, prior service members, prior intelligence community members that communicate. They have their own civilian groups that communicate and share intelligence.

This is why after John Brennan left the CIA, Donald Trump took his security clearance away two years later, because he still had a security clearance and he was still privy to the information that was coming through the intelligence channels. So what happens next? Well, we go back to Admiral Ace Lyons. Admiral Ace Lyons starts going public and talking about Barack Obama being a Kenyan citizen and not how his birth certificate was completely forged and faked. He goes and talks about the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood. I just talked about this that Phil Haney in 2010 blew the whistle through the Department of Homeland Security on this also uncovered Eric Holder's a fast and furious of running guns down to the border to the cartels. So basically what we begin to see is that there's this war going on between people who are patriotic and love this country and you're trying to save it and this deep state infiltration of communism and socialism that basically is fighting against them but are in power. So the patriots realize they have to do something. And this is why Redpill thinks they went out on a limb and recruited Donald Trump because they needed a social icon because social media was created by DARPA to spy on us.

But social media really didn't pick up till about 2010. By then it had been taking over the whole media circuit. Mainstream media began to die the day social media took over. And so a lot of these people that were understanding this, they understood the battlefield. They understood the dynamics of asymmetrical warfare. They knew that they would have to get someone in there that had massive popularity amongst the people that people would look at as a good guy who could go in there who was also an asshole but a true American. And this is maybe why they picked Donald Trump.

Let me interject here. I want to believe this. The above information checks out. All of that happened above and Redpill has an amazing trail that explains the creation of Q. It checks out. But my research indicates Donald Trump was controlled by the Italian Mafia and black nobility families. There are pictures with him and Melania with almost all of the families whom at one time or another selected a pope and helped control the empire of Rome. Not only that, but his locker room talk, his infidelity and the paintings on his wall in his apartment in New York screams Roman Empire. Although Q seems to be a legit intelligence movement, they were outsmarted by the elite because they already had trump who is a high witch and freemason. I need proof he rejected the dynasties. I don’t see it. Especially when he is planning on putting Mexicans in Guantanamo bay instead of the elite as we were told by Q he would. Also, I know Reagan was working with Goldman Sachs so he was compromised.

Regardless of my opinion, Repill thinks he is Manchurian candidate to take down the Rothschilds. Now for those that don't know, there's something known out there known as the 16 year plan. You can go to the 2010 Rockefeller document Operation Lockstep to find it. Look for war game scenarios and various different exercises that happened in the 2000s or look for it in various other globalists and elitist documents. But there's something the truther community or anons knew of as a 16 year plan. It was supposed to be Eight years of Barack Obama and eight years of Hillary Clinton. Within two years of Hillary Clinton's first term as president, by 2018, nuclear war was going to break out with Russia. If you go back to 2015, 2016 with a rhetoric between Hillary Clinton and Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton was yelling at Vladimir Putin saying that he needs to stop building nuclear weapons. And we need nuclear proliferation. And he's like, you're building nuclear weapons. She's like, no, we're not. And he's like, we're going to put up a missile defense shield in Ukraine in Turkey. And Putin's like, if you do that, there's going to be nuclear war.

So we were on the brink of nuclear war in 2016. Now how did Hillary Clinton know that Vladimir Putin was building nuclear weapons? Well, because she sold them the uranium from the Malheur reservoir when she forced the FBI to kill Lavoy Finnicum. She used this as an excuse that he was building that with something nukes with American soil called the uranium one scandal. Uranium one is actually a company in Canada that Justin Trudeau actually has share ownership in. But what was happening is the United States of America was offloading a majority of their uranium supply under climate change projects and were utilizing Canada as a proxy to get it over the Russia. Well, when it got to Russia, they shipped it all to Iran. Remember when Barack Obama gave $150 billion to Iran? That was so they could build a missile. And this is how Iran couldn't build a missile. They had the money but the Uranium could be traced back to the United States. Stale Mate. So the elite or deep state started producing all these underground facilities in Northern Syria to build nuclear weapons because the deep state needed a place to develop various different weapons to basically formulate their own army, their own military and their own one world arsenal.

Russia knows that the United States of America can track the radioactive isotopes of that uranium that they most likely tagged it in some way, shape or form. So they're not going to keep it in Russia. But Russia is going to keep some uranium. They're not going to just give it all away. They're not just going to give it all to Iran, are they? Why would they give it all to Iran when they can keep it themselves? In 2011, a new President comes into Ukraine by the name of Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych disregards the European treaties, what's known as the Minsk agreements. He comes out and says, hey, I'm pro Russia. I'm former Soviet. I like Vladimir Putin and Mendeleev over there. He was really good friends with Mendeleev. And he starts to align themselves with Russia. Remember this is Ukraine in 2011. So what does Putin do? Ukraine is a non-Nato nation, surrounded by NATO nations. They got warheads pointed at Putin. Why don't I just go out there and create a secret weapons development program over in Ukraine? Let's hide that uranium under a place they wouldn't be able to detect the radioactive isotopes. How about Chernobyl? How about the nuclear facilities that are there? Starting to make a lot of sense now?

The United States wasn't going to let Ukraine go which was just taken from them. Remember, they had the Defense Threat Reduction Act, which basically allowed them to go into former Soviet bio labs and basically repurpose them. They repurpose it for their own research. And so as Russia comes in and basically Ukraine locks everybody out, Russia begins to take over all the nuclear and bio labs. And that's not something America can let happen. So what they do is they do a three-year coup and form a coup that ends with something known as the Maiden Massacre or Coup. John Brennan was in charge of intelligence and CIA whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, who works for George Soros, helped fund the Maiden Massacre or Coup against Ukraine using various different Russian defense contractors. They went out there and staged a Maiden Massacre or Coup knowing that if 100 people were killed, this would produce some type of social destabilization where the people would fight back, rise up, and overthrow the government. That's exactly what happened known as the Day of Reckoning. You know, Sam Powers goes in there. They negotiate. And the United States had captured Ukraine at this time. And then they put in their own power figures. Well, guess what they also did? They go in there and they take back the nuclear facilities with all the US uranium that they had sold to Russia as well as Russia's weapon program.

So now the deep state has the bio-weapons facilities and nuclear development facilities, all there in Ukraine. And this allegedly becomes the head for money laundering, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and obviously weapons development. You remember all those old movies where all the arms dealers were always from Ukraine? Well, there is some truth to those scripts. So what happens in Ukraine? Ukraine starts developing genetically targeted bio-weapons under various different black budget programs and targeting the people in Donbas, Lukesh regions. These are primarily genetically Russian people. Putin starts yelling and screaming at the United Nations Security Council and they do nothing for 14 years.

Now it’s 2016 and in comes WikiLeaks and Twitter. A tweet came from the National Security Agency and CSS about Pizzagate. December 5th, 2016, it said, “#pizzagate is real. Do not give up the citizen investigation. This tweet will be deleted. pre-commitment: John Podesta 4bb96075acadc3d805b” This is confirmed real. So now we understand that during this time there was massive infiltration from the deep state into these various intelligence agencies because they understood that they were researching and investigating them and trying to expose them, the deep state. Then came the Hillary Clinton emails. Hillary Clinton emails and Benghazi. You remember what Eric Holder was doing with Fast and Furious by sending weapons down to the cartels? The same thing was happening through Benghazi up into Syria with Black US intelligence. A back ally arms deal that was led by people like John McCain.

So this is where it kind of gets interesting because John McCain becomes critical in the whole Q realm and world, right? So the rumor is, is that Christopher Stevens called Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, a few hours before anything ever happened. He says that, hey, we've uncovered this weapon running organization that's utilizing US assets and taking US arms up into Syria and they're giving them to some organization we'll hear about later on known as ISIS in ISIL, the new rise of the Taliban, right? The radical fundamental Islamic group. Well, a few hours later, Christopher Stevens is dead. The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee held a briefing where he basically did an interview with the inspector general of the intelligence community. The inspector general is someone who has basically full investigative oversight over a whole department division of the United States government. So when you have the inspector general of the intelligence community, this guy has complete authority over the intelligence community and he has a very, very high security clearance.

There's a video out there that used to go around when inspector general McCalla of the intelligence committee was talking to the chairman of the Senate intelligence of the inspector general McCalla of the intelligence community was talking to this chairman of the Senate intelligence committee. And he was asked what was in Hillary Clinton's emails? And he responds, I can't tell you that it's classified. You remember that meme or that video classified classified classified classified. And the chairman kind of gets fed up like, what the hell do you mean? I'm the chairman of the Senate intelligence committee. I have the highest security clearance in our government. Do we need to go to a closed door session. He goes, no, if we even went to a skiff, I still wouldn't be able to tell you what was in these emails. They are the most closely guarded secrets of our country.

So that's how serious the contents of Hillary Clinton's emails were.
And then she has the audacity to say, there's nothing classified in her emails. Under subpoena, she smashes her blackberries with hammers, acids, washes, hard drives, and deletes 33,000 emails. So we kind of set the stage, right? The question is, what was in Hillary Clinton's emails that were so classified that the chairman of the Senate intelligence committee couldn't know what was in them. They had the inspector general of the intelligence committee, couldn't know what was in them. And what was she doing with them? We learned later on that Hillary Clinton was replying and forwarding various different emails. And these emails would initiate a script in her metadata on her server. There's metadata and there's a script and when the script runs, it sends anything that's forwarded or replied to to a Gmail address while they geo track the IP of that Gmail address to an offshore location in China.

So she's literally knowingly sending these emails with the metadata.
Well, can't say she's knowingly, but I would say she's knowingly. Now here's the key. Are the emails, and this comes from the Horowitz report, in question that were special access programs? If so, she was never supposed to be on the distribution list of those emails in the first place. But let me repeat that. She was never supposed to even receive those emails in any email fashion, ever. And somehow she did because there's probably somebody on the inside putting her on the thread. So now we begin to see.what was in those emails that was so critical. State secrets that she sold to China. This is the lead up to who Q was. You got to remember, we're talking about the lead up to what and who Q was. Well Donald Trump wins the election 2016. You remember Podesta and Clinton's face when Donald Trump won? Oh my God. Right?

Three days before the election, I believe it was on October 30th, James Comey comes out and makes an announcement saying that he is reopening the investigation into the Hillary Clinton's emails. Now the investigation was originally closed in June of 2016 by the lead investigator in the investigation by the guy named Peter Strzok. Strzok, a few weeks later, starts investigating Donald Trump for Russian collusion. Well we learned later from the Q boards that Admiral Rogers, who was the head of the national security agency during this time, that there was a tarmac meeting going to be held on June of 2016 between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. That meeting is not supposed to happen. It's in direct violation of federal law and campaign finance laws. Could that have cost Hillary Clinton the election, but Barack Obama covered it up? Christopher Sign put out his memoirs years later and validated
what Q tells us in this post. But basically Q tells us that Admiral Rogers flagged the log files, listed into the conversation before it happened, and tipped off a reporter in Phoenix from Fox News affiliate to go down there and basically show up with cameras. And he did that. His name was Christopher sign.

In June of 2021, Christopher sign, the reporter that broke the Clinton Lynch tarmac meeting that we were talking, we were talking about in the cube post died. He hung himself from a door knob in his office with a dog leash. In his memoirs, he said that he has intelligence, on someone who's high up in the intelligence community in Washington, D.C. This person called me up and tipped me off of the meeting between Clinton and Lynch. He says that the name of this person, he only calls S. Now interesting that it's a single letter because it seems that these people were all going by single letters. Well, let me ask you this. Has anybody ever done any background of Christopher Sign?
Well, he's from Alabama, went to the University of Alabama and was a D1 football player. Do you know who else went to the University of Alabama who's of the same Alma mater and raternity as Christopher sign? Jeff Sessions He may be the S. Now we see how Jeff Sessions fits in this from 2007, to the present day.

Now, the investigation is reopened again three days later by Comey.
We find out through the Q post that what happened was Admiral R. goes to James Comey. He says, listen to this. It's the audio recording of the tarmac meeting where Bill Clinton is promising Loretta Lynch, the attorney general to drop the email investigation by June 2016 and they will give her a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. And obviously they dropped the investigation a few weeks later. But Comey hands were tied. He was being watched now by army intelligence, so the email investigation is opened up later on like October 30th, 2016, a few days before the election.

This is where it gets crazy. So apparently, and this is what Redpill and truthers heard from back channels, is a small group of generals, who went to Barack Obama before the election and they tell him, Donald Trump's going to run and we're going to allow these elections to be free and clear and whoever wins, wins. But if you cheat, if you steal and if you prosecute Donald Trump, if he, runs, we will do a military coup on this country. And Barack Obama just sat back and let them do what they're going to do. James Note: Now this is just a rumor, and there's no evidence to substantiate this. This is just the wishful thinking of the truthers that there is a group of patriots who want to take out the Rothschilds.

Do you remember the perfect phone call, Donald Trump, Ukraine? Donald asked, Do you have the servers, Zalinskey? Do you have the server? You know, CrowdStrike? What servers are you talking about? He's talking about a server that was sitting at Barisma. Barisma was the same company that Devin Archer and Hunter Biden sat on the board of directors with the Ukraine energy companies. Now why would CrowdStrike have a server at an oil and gas company in the middle of the Ukraine that Hunter Biden, Devin Archer and John Kerry’s stepson are all working for? Why? Because they needed geographic proximity to Russia to run a program known as hammer and scorecard to steal the 2016 election. And if they got caught, they could just blame it on Russia. But Russia during this time, allegedly were in on this. They knew what was happening and they shut down that facility. Yes, Russia interfered with the 2016 election by shutting down the stealing by the Democrats. That's really allegedly happened.

After Trump won In 2016 Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo were in Vegas. There's controversy here because there's a billionaire in Las Vegas by the name of Sheldon Adelson who's good friends with Mike Pompeo. They're both connected to the Mossad Israeli intelligence. Donald Trump was with them. This is the same time as the Las Vegas shooting. You remember the Las Vegas shooting? Donald Trump was in a meeting with Pompeo and Adelson at Trump Tower in Vegas when this all happened. Kind of suspect, right? Well allegedly, they plotted to actually kill Julian Assange. Have him assassinated. This is legit. Donald Trump was in on this, too. And most likely because Julian Assange doesn't just have bad information in the deep state. He's got bad information on everybody. He's got information that will probably take down the entire world. And he's probably got the special access program information that the United States military does not want to get out to the world. He's probably got them because he had Hillary Clinton's emails.

So what was the secret?

Well something interesting begins to happen when Donald Trump and Pompeo and all these guys begin to come into office. They start to shut down Obama era Chinese exchange programs, right? They removed China from the infrastructure. Donald Trump comes out with an executive order, completely annihilates and removes China from our infrastructure. They start cutting off China in multiple different ways. There's one thing that we didn't see coming but we all know about. They shut down what's known as the thousand talents program and multiple other education exchange programs with China. Now what's interesting is over the next four years of Donald Trump's administration arrested 28 different professors including Dr. Charles Lieber who was working on nanotechnology at Harvard University who was just sentenced last week. Now why is this important? Redpill started going researching every single one of these professors. You want to know one of the most interesting things he found about every single one of these professors? Every single one of them was working under a grant either from the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, DARPA or NASA. And they all got arrested.

The first thing that Donald Trump does is he starts shutting down Obama’s educational exchange program. So now you might ask yourself what was in Hillary Clinton's emails? You have to go back to Bob Lazar, Area 51, and his documentary about S4 when he was talking about how, “if I'm working on propulsion I can't know anything about the artificial intelligence system that controls it. I can't know anything about the power system. It's all too compartmentalized.” He says in his documentary the only way to reverse engineer this highly advanced technology is to get it out of the military industrial complex and put it in the universities. So now Repill comes full circle.

What was in Hillary Clinton's emails that she was sending offshore to China? It was the universities and the professors that were granted special access programs through DARPA, NASA, Department of Energy and the Department of Defense. These were the professors that were reverse engineering various types of highly advanced technologies that were probably not from this earth or found on this earth and were very, very ancient. And we got verification of this through Dr. Charles Lieber who's developing nanotech, basically nanobots that latch onto the cell walls and absorb minute amounts of heat which produce electrical charges then wirelessly project throughout your body to basically run other microbots. So what was in Hillary Clinton's emails that was so bad that they would kill Julian Assange for? So he would never release the technology that the deep state was selling to China and that the military wanted to shut it down and had been investigating for well
over what? 10 years?

It was the fact that we were moving special access programs out of the military industrial complex and bringing them into universities to reverse engineer these highly advanced weapons propulsion and various other technologies. And the emails that Hillary Clinton sent to China to that email address were also sent to the universities and the professors who were granted those projects. So what did China do? After those emails were sent, China finds out who are the universities professors, and makes a nice little donation to the university because under the thousand talents program in many educational exchange programs under Barack Obama, China can now fund US universities. They say, hey, we want this professor, Dr. Charles Lieber, to come to China. So, he goes to Wuhan. Now, do you know what China does to various foreign diplomats when they want to coerce you? The same thing the CIA does. They'll put you up in a luxurious hotel room, which is bugged to no end. In the middle of the night, they will wake you up by a loud sound and a gun to your head. And an English translator will stand there and say, you're going to do exactly what we tell you to do. And if you don't comply, you're dead. And if you're okay to die, then we'll kill your family. We'll kill your children. We'll kill everybody because that's what the Communist Party does.

And then it's rumored that what they do is they also bring in children, a little, you know, five, six, seven, eight year old, drug them and force them to do horrible things to that child. And then they make that person kill that child all while they record the whole thing. Blackmail 101. So now China owns these professors and guess what they're doing? They're sharing all of this technology and information, all the research that they're doing on these highly classified projects to China. This is how China advanced its military and defense from 2010 to present day to where they are basically close to equal to the United States of America.

In comes Q on 4chan. Q starts posting on the same day as the John Durham’s investigation. But we're also told through the Q boards that ‘don't be surprised if there was more than one investigator appointed that day’. Now, instead of going through the whole Q thing, Q’s materials proves repill doesn’t need to go through all that. But for anybody out there who's new, understand that there was a collaboration between this person Q posting on the back of 4chan, 8chan, and eventually 8kun and the president of the United States of America would post zero delta, which means a one delta where Q would post something with context, you know, not even a minute later, Trump would post something with the same context or misspelled word that would validate their communication that Q is somehow in the White House or communicate with Donald Trump. There is absolutely no coincidences in the amount of things that happen pertaining to this and Redpill believes conclusively 100% that Donald Trump was collaborating with whatever was posting on these backboards.

Let me interject here. I personally did the research and found some evidence that Craig Oxley could have been hired by the Tavistock institute to create the Q account on 4chan. I found out that Craig Oxley was Denis Liam Touey of 2Tuff fitness in London. Craig Oxley isn’t his real name nor is Denis, however Craig Oxley is a famous MMA fighter and Denis Liam Touey was an actor who was on the infamous James Cameron movie Titanic. Yes, the coincidence of the ship that sank and killed the 3 billionaires who were against the federal reserve act in 1913. Maybe Denis was hired by the supposed white hats or patriots to post for them, however, the evidence leans toward Tavistock, which is an internet brainwashing social media construct.

In 2018, US Naval warships start running aground. They basically say it's operator error. Quite a few salaries died from these instances. At the same time, we're having multiple aircraft in our United States military begin falling out of the sky and crashing. As well as we have Q who posted information pertaining to submarines in the sense of China hacking our submarines. How would they have had all this information? Well, we were sending China military secrets. The Obama administration had all of our communication channels. They had all of our cryptological networks and ciphers and keys and all this other stuff. So, this is where Repill gets interested because a lot of things begin to happen. There's one specific event that happened that really, really blew his mind. This was, he believes, May of 2018, Q posted a picture of a submarine which tells you to go ahead and reverse image search the submarine. You find out that it's a submarine that was decommissioned in a place called Ketron Island, Washington in 2004, by the name of the USS Richard B. Russell. What's interesting about that is Q posted 144 talks about the 13 Illuminati bloodlines of which the Russell family is one of them and Richard B. Russell is the Admiral and member of that dynasty.

In June of 2018, Donald Trump leaves the G7 summit heading towards Singapore to go meet Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader. This is where Redpill’s mind gets blown with all this stuff. Now, Trump’s pilots are supposed to take the path of least resistance which would go over the west coast of the United States and fly to Singapore. Instead, by the way, Donald Trump flies to Rota Spain and then the Singapore the long way. Now, here's the thing. When a ship is out doing an operation, a mission or something like that… or a submarine is out doing a mission or operation, you have what's known as Comdark or River City. This means that all communications are seized and they have no electromagnetic transmissions coming in or out. If there was a submarine that was maybe in the ocean that was going to take out a plane that was flying over or something like that, they would be Comdark for probably 24 to 48 hours prior to any type of event that they were going to take part in. And so the submarine, let's just say, is in the specific ocean, Comdark for 48 hours, they don't get the message that the Air Force One is going the opposite way.

But what they do know is the strategic point of when Air Force One should fly over the west coast of the United States and be about 100 miles off of international waters. At that point, about 100 miles off of international waters, we have what we call the Wibley Island incident in 2018. All mainstream
news reports seeing something flying up in the sky that looks like a helicopter, which if it was a helicopter it was on very, very low, bad rated camera that only refreshes like once every quarter second. And so they say it is a helicopter. It’s a missile. Redpill confirms because he used to shoot them when he was in the military. Now, if you remember, this is June 10th, 2018, is they contacted the Air Force and the Navy and nobody knew what the hell that was. But the time of that launch, 3:56 AM is the same time that Donald Trump would have been about a hundred miles off the coast of Washington state on his way to Singapore. It's rumored that that was a deep state asset that was shooting a missile at Air Force One to take it out. Basically, it was a nuclear missile that was going to go up into the ionosphere and explode above Air Force One, rendering it useless by an electromagnetic pulse.

Safe, on June 10th, 2018 Donald Trump goes to Singapore. They had the meeting with North Korea, La Dida. August 10th, 2018, the two month anniversary of this event. A gentleman who works for Horizon Airlines, a baggage handler. By the way, Repill worked in an airport for six years.
The airport issues a SIDA badge which gives you access to various areas.
Now, if you don't have a need for access to an area, you can't get in there. So a baggage carrier and handler who's loading and unloading baggage off of a plane, they're not going to have access to a hangar where the planes are being worked on and where maintenance is being done or where the planes are being stored. There's no reason for them to be over there. Well, apparently at Seattle Tacoma Airport, this baggage handler comes in to work, disappears for five hours off of the security cameras, goes into one of the hangars, backs
out something known as a Dash 8 or Q 400 aircraft, double prop, gets inside of it and takes off, flies into the wind. And you watch his radar pattern and he does this kind of Q over Ketchron Island. Now when I saw Ketchron Island, Repill said, wait a minute. Didn't we see a picture of the Richard B. Russell’s submarine that was decommissioned at Ketchron Island in 2004? The hijacker took a Q400 plane, did a Q in the sky and coincidentally Richard B. Russell was the kid to stole the plane and crashed it supposedly killing himself. This was enough evidence for Redpill that there's an actual war going on between these deep state actors and the white hats. He was sold. And this is kind of like the validation that Q was really, really real.

Now the Trump 2020 election, Trump wins, but they steal the election. They form the coup. We have COVID happen. We have the bio weapon release.
We have all this different stuff happen. A few things Repill wants his audience to remember is because this is going to bring about the context of what four years of Donald Trump and Q actually was. Future proves the past. You can't tell the people you have to show them. See, Q is a psychological warfare operation. Q was probably a dream child of Flynn, Rogers, Trump and a few other people understanding what they knew at that time in 2016 about everything that we went over tonight. They understood that they'd have to have the American people behind them, that they would have to have a massive army of digital soldiers behind them. Like Flynn said. And the best way to do that is to plan out some type of information dissemination program
of where you put out public information as things are about the leak that bring people and draw them in to get them to investigate it themselves. Once people begin investigating, they can follow the rabbit holes and start connecting the dots. And this will wake up other people. This is psychological warfare, okay?
It was a psychological warfare operation targeted towards the Christian ideology to wake up America, to build an army of digital soldiers to basically drown out the fake news, the mainstream media and to produce a whole segment of alternative media. The predictions of Q eery and scary. We have to understand that they have high level technology. I would assume that they're using most likely quantum computers and predictive AI analytics to determine future events based upon various different inputs. That would be Redpill’s guess. End of Redpill's broadcast.

There was more, but I didn’t think it was relevant. Almost everything he said checks out. Links are below. Now you can understand how and why so many people still believe in Q and that Trump is going to save America. I personally have not done any of the Q codes and messed around with decoding them because it was just too much work for such little payoff. I was more interested in the bloodlines and black nobility families. The cause before the symptom. But we are naive to think that a small group of people will remove the powers that have been in charge of hundreds if not thousands of years. Q mentions the illuminati families. I have a problem with that. The black nobility were wiped out by the Rothschild family. The illuminated Russell family doesn’t have the power they once had and there is some evidence to support the Rothschild family were beat by Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street. Why are none of these corporations with less than 100 trillion in asset management being mentioned? We are being told through this rabbit hole that the Luciferian families are the bad guys and the white hats are the good guys. This is why the Q story is thoroughly debunked by the media.

As I have said all along, I want to be wrong. I want a golden age where we put the bad guys in jail and everyone gets a shot at the American dream world wide. But Trump’s actions so far, isn’t aligning up to what Q promised. Guantamo was supposed to be for Hillary and Bill. Not Mexicans. And Agenda 25 is a political nightmare. Bringing in the Noahhide laws and force people by law to go back to the nuclear family after the left worked so hard to free people from sexist tyranny will only cause more strife and hated. There is no wisdom here. You can’t put the people you think are sinning back into the moral box to fix our country. In fact, our constitution guarantees freedoms for anyone who practices what the Bible says no to. Forcing never works. All it will do is lead to more revolts and a bloody revolution. Even after all of the evidence that points to Q being a real, which there is, I still think it’s a psyop to keep the Christians at bay. The Noahide laws will piss off the nation and keep us divided until we figure out all of these psychological games the government is playing with us is because we let them. Personally, I would rather eat my hat as promised. I want to believe in Q. But I know my enemy too well.


Close Calls with Nuclear WeaponsUnion of Concerned Scientistshttps://www.ucsusa.org › files › attach › 2015/04

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