Courage Is A Habit: Reality Check

1 month ago

From @couragehabit: Reality Check
Commentary on President Trumps' K-12 EO

"After being fired in 2020 for speaking out against the dangerous transformation of our education system, I had this video made to expose the K-12 mental health scam.

President Donald Trump’s EOs have addressed many issues but in order to root out the corruption people must understand how it infiltrated our system. Social Emotional Learning is a trauma-informed, mental health initiative that delivers nothing beneficial. It is a psychological manipulation method that works to brainwash children by exploiting their emotions & rewiring the way they act & think for “social Justice”. The ASCA X Posts school counselors are flooding schools to push the radical ideology including Critical Race Theory & Queer Theory. Many people still think school counselors are unbiased & work for the good of all students & this is completely false.
Help us get the message out that destroying the K-12 indoctrination MUST include stopping the “mental health” services. In this video I speak about my home state (Indiana) but it applies to ALL 50 states."

~by Jenn McWillams of Courage Is A Habit

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