21 Genesis 4:5-16 (Fratricide)

1 month ago

The Way of Cain: Spiraling away from the presence of the Lord
I. Review
II. Genesis 3-4
1. Depression and it’s cure (4:5-6)
2. The command to rule over sin (4:7)
Romans 7:18-24
3. Murder (4:8)
1 John 3:11-12
4. Confrontation (4:9)
5. Lex Talionis (4:10)
6. Punishment (4:11-14)
7. Provision (4:14-15)
III. How should we then live?
1. Consider the way of Cain and avoid it (4:7)
a. Doing things our way brings additional pain & suffering.
b. Beware the downward spiral (4:13)
1 John 3:12 / Jude 1:11 / Gen 4:24
c. Rejection of God’s grace (4:7, 15)
2. Consider the way of the Lord and embrace it.
a. Be made alive together with Him.
Colossians 2:13
b. Present our offerings to the Lord with precision (Gen 4:5)
c. Fight to master our own desires (Gen 4:7)
d. Look for the gracious offramps / repentance (Gen 4:6, 15)

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