Why Some Jews Believed in Jesus and Others Did Not; and Other Topics ~ RJMI video lecture

18 days ago

This lecture was done on 1/5/2025, the Feast Day of the Most Holy Family. It can be accessed in the RJMI Video or Audio Lectures menus at website: www.JohnTheBaptist.us. The topics discussed here include:

* The unbelief of the self-righteous Pharisees, in contrast to the good-willed ones.
* The inspiration one gets from The Chosen series. It had very few parts that needed editing. The version we watch at MLR has been edited by us.
* On the different reactions to Christ's miracles, including the sin against the Holy Spirit.
* How Christ gradually revealed his divinity, and how many had difficulty believing in the Holy Trinity.
* The importance of faith regarding dogmas above human understanding.
* How the apostles and other Jews believed the messiah would come as a conquering king, not aware that he would first come as the suffering messiah.
* The Discipline of the Secret and the importance of the Apostles and early Church Fathers in defending the dogmas on the Trinity to combat heresies.
* On the traditions of men, the additional laws imposed on the people by the Pharisees. The credit due to orthodox Jews are more moral and more united than nominal Catholics and other so-called Christians.
* Predestination and how God creates souls and places them in time.
* How modern-day apostate Jews are like the gentiles of Christ’s days, many of which will be brought into the Catholic Church, in contrast to the nominal Catholics who are cut off, who are like the apostate Jews during Christ’s first coming. St. Paul prophesied this in Romans 11.
* During the New Covenant eras, only true Catholics are God’s chosen people and thus both Catholic Jews and Catholic Gentiles are God’s chosen people. But the Jewish race is the most beloved race of God. So beware all you racists who hate or abhor the Jewish race. That does not mean that an individual Catholic Gentile cannot be more beloved of God than an individual Catholic Jew. There are some Catholic Gentiles who are more beloved of God than some Catholic Jews. And there are some Catholic Jews who are more beloved of God than some Catholic Gentiles. I [RJMI] am talking about the race as a whole. And the Jewish Race is the most beloved race of God.
* Commentary on the Merchant of Venice.
* Christian Zionists and how the Christ-denying Jews use them but despise them.
* On RJMI’s conversion, how everything was taken from him, and how this same grace is needed for many people to convert, especially those in western democracies who are under the curse of false prosperity.
* God does not hear the prayers of those who do not do his will.
* On the distinction between God's will and his actions regarding his three persons; without this distinction one falls into Modalism.
* How true Catholics are doing the work of God by using their gifts to help the Church, especially in sickness and difficulties, and how God gives them many graces for participating.
* Future plans regarding RJMI’s work.
* On patience and how God will send miracles when RJMI's theological works are done, otherwise he wouldn’t have time to do it. How God confirms our works all the time with small miracles.

From website: www.johnthebapstist.us

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