When big car work projects turn into HUGE ones! Don't let it scare you - this one had a good ending!

11 days ago

A combination of 2 different year engines with different timing covers led to this 12hr project taking 30hrs. Why it pays to follow protocol and double check jobs that may have had parts mixed up in the past. A learning experience for me as well as the young man doing the job. 97 and 98 Volvo's have different timing belts and 1999 to 2001 timing covers fit them to make it even harder to be sure. This could have been avoided by setting the timing Before taking off the 1st cylinder head. Since it ran that way you would be able to see the correct way to set it when done. Yet in the end we both learned a lot and the job was done 100% leaving no used parts or questionable gaskets.

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