A Tree of Life || The Heart of Africa || A.U.R.A Regression

1 month ago

A.U.R.A Session 321 -This session has been transcribed and then shared into easy content for the listener.
This quantum healing session found the client an aspect of Mother Earth, assisting her children and the lands of Africa.
This incredibly moving session, shares and heals much pain from the heart of Africa in Uganda.
We hear how the once high dimension Tree of Life was targeted with laser technology, rituals and sacrifices to densify the continent of Africa and its people.
This being the Sacred Law of Free Will was also heavily targeted to effect the free will of the whole collective.
We hear the importance of the animal kingdom and the Gorillas, and how they targeted the masculines within Africa.

Hear how Divine Mothers Heart within Africa heals with assistance from the Divine Team or Archangels, Divine Mother and Father and the Inner Earth beings

Here is the song the client heard being sang in the session it's called "Asibe Happy" https://youtu.be/aw2XZKPA1kc?si=cdjxcrqkh_j5BUun

Clare & Jeffrey are A.U.R.A Hypnosis, R.A.A.H Reiki & Quantum Galactic Akashic Practitioners, working both online and in -person.
They also offer sound baths, Holistic and Intuitive Life Coaching, group A.U.R.A Sessions in-person and online and also retreats from Nottinghamshire within the UK to book a session with them follow the links below..

They will be starting "A Gridworkers Journal" in April. If interested subscribe or go to either social media to follow us for more information.

#motherearth #newearth #quantumhealing

Clare & Jeffrey - Circle of Light Healer
Website : https://www.circleoflighthealer.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KrystoSophiaCircleofLight
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krystosophiacircleoflight/
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Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@spiritual.aura.144?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
AURA practitioner website : https://aurapractitioners.com/members/clarecirleoflight/
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