Deliver this man over to Satan? The Bible says so.

1 month ago

Sometimes, believers won't do the things they need to do to crush sin.

This man sent me this section of the London Baptist Confessional and it paints a beautiful picture of how God is good to allow us to go through a little pain.

"5. The perfectly wise, righteous, and gracious God often allows his own children for a time to experience a variety of temptations and the sinfulness of their own hearts. He does this to chastise them for their former sins or to make them aware of the hidden strength of the corruption and deceitfulness of their hearts so that they may be humbled. He also does this to lead them to a closer and more constant dependence on him to sustain them, to make them more cautious about all future circumstances that may lead to sin, and for other just and holy purposes. So whatever happens to any of his elect happens by his appointment, for his glory, and for their good."

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