1 month ago

(Embody DNA strand 4-6 to Ascend)

- For along time many souls have been trapped on earth in a cycle of reincarnation/recycling of souls. Some of these souls are the lost souls of Tara who were trapped when 5D earth fell to 3D earth.

- There has been a split in the astral world/fourth dimension/heart chakra - the lower fourth astral world is sometimes referred to as the shadow self and also where disembodied energies/entities reside

- In order to ascend past the fourth dimension upon death, one needs to accrete and stabilize DNA strand 4 and 5

- When one fully accretes DNA strand 5, they are able to ascend past the fourth dimension into the 5th dimension upon death/transitioning

- This requires that one stabilize living in the 4-5th dimension now and embody their soul/DNA strand 4-6 which is a Carbon/Silica frequency referred to as the soul, or Harmonic Universe/Heaven #2

- “If you die after 2022 without the D-4 and D-5 frequency patterns assembled in your personal morphogenetic field, reincarnation in HU-1 will be mandatory.” - Ashayana Deane pg. 175 Voyagers 2

- The best way to accrete DNA strand 4-6/soul frequencies is to establish an intentional daily practice of connecting with your higher Self through practices such as meditation, kundalini yoga, eternal life mantras//techniques.

- For many of Us this is the lifetime we have waited for and for any hungry truth seeker out there there are many technologies and practices emerging to help catalyze your ascension process and end the cycle of reincarnations.

Follow me to find the truth.

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