Senator Loses Control as RFK Jr. Schools Her on Bad Science

1 month ago

Senator Loses Control as RFK Jr. Schools Her on Bad Science

KENNEDY: “NIH has overseen, over the past several years, the decline—the precipitous decline—of American health. There are 91,000 people at HHS. And are you suggesting that some of them should not be held responsible for that decline?”

ALSOBROOKS: “I ask the questions. And the question is really whether you intend, as you said, to substitute essentially your judgment for the judgment of these professional scientists.”

KENNEDY: “Of course, I’m not going to do that. What I’m going to do—listen, The New York Times just did an article last week talking about the fraud, the 20-year fraud, 800 fraudulent studies produced by NIH on amyloid plaques, and not allowing any other hypothesis about the cause of Alzheimer’s disease.”

ALSOBROOKS: “How will you decide, Mr. Kennedy? Which scientists are they? The ones who disagree with you?”

KENNEDY: “The ones who are corrupt. The ones who have been doing science like the amyloid plaque studies that were fraudulent.”

After losing control of the narrative, Alsobrooks resorted to mocking Kennedy for not having a medical degree. Ironically, Biden’s HHS secretary, Xavier Becerra, did not have one either.

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