2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 - Marianne Manley

1 month ago

This chapter is often misunderstood by both right and wrong dividers.
The prompting for this letter may have been the return of the bearer of 1 Thess. and his report.
The Thessalonians were "shaken in mind" and "troubled because of a forged letter supposedly from Paul that said their persecution meant they were in the Tribulation.
The word of God was already being corrupted.
God's spokesman Apostle Paul writes to correct and comfort them regarding their hope.
Written soon after Paul's first letter.
When Christ comes to be glorified in His Tribulation saints (more of Peter's group) and be admired of all that believe (Gentiles in Prophecy), because they knew that if God kept His promise to Rapture us, then He will keep His promise to return for them.
They will know Paul's Testimony of the Mystery was true by reading what he wrote to us.
For the reason that your work of faith with His power in you will have and effect now and encourage those in the next dispensation, we pray that you will be worthy of all that it cost the Father and Son to save you.
So have courage to accomplish all the good purpose of God's good will (1 Tim. 2:4).

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